Argentina and punk, nothing we think about immediately? But Zona 84 wuill change that thoughts you got of tango and other “shit”. Listen to Zona 84:s records and you understand what I talk about. Thanks to Lucas for the translation.


-ZONA 84 started in the early 90's rehearsing and playing their first gigs under different names and band members, around 1993 we definitively started to use ZONA 84. We made our debut with Bien Desocupados in August of that same year at the A.C.J (Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes). From that day it hasn´t stopped playing in Rosario´s underground scene and on the rest of the country.

Please tell me about every member, family, interests, age, work and something bad about every one?

-Guillermo (guitar and vocals): he's a doctor, 29 years old, single, i can't really say anything bad about him because he's my brother and friend.


-Tomás "Gula" Lewis (drums): 28 years old, single, cooker and caterer. His interests: Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, etc, that's precisely what's wrong with him.


-Eloy (bass): 26 years old, single, his brother Morlaco (Payasos Tristes) is punkier than him. He dropped college. He's a radio producer, runs an indie record shop (Klemm) and works at a NGO of Human Rights (Actually at a prision for minors). The bad: definitively he's choruses, worst than that he's "leproso" ("leper"), a fan of Newell's Old Boys (the second football team of our city), since the rest of ZONA 84 is officially identified with the colours of Rosario Central, the biggest soccer team of 'em all.


-Federico "Bere" Nusynkier (Guitar): 25 years old, graphic designer, plays saloon football.


-Juan (vocals): 28 years old, single. I'm an architect. I'm actually living in San Martín de los Andes (Patagonia Argentina) so it's been 3 months since I don't actively participate on the band. I'm about 2000 km. away from home which makes it difficult and expensive to travel.


Previous bands or bands on the side of Zona 84?
Eloy comes from the HC scene, he played in bands such as Difficult Face and Anhorexia. Bere has a melodic hc/ska-punk background. I had a ska band called Kamorra that only recorded one song. Guille and Gula are the founding members of ZONA 84. Gula played in several bands of different styles, including jazz.


How is the punkmovement in Argentina?

-The punk movement here is big and really diverse. It has 20 years old since democracy came back in the year 83'. The pioneer bands were Los Violadores and Todos Tus Muertos amongst the most popular ones, also Massacre, the second wave consisted of bands such as Mal Momento, Attaque 77, Doble Fuerza, Superuva, El Otro Yo, Mala Suerte, Argies (originally from Rosario), etc. And from our generation: Cadena Perpetua, Klub 699, Bien Desocupados, Katarro Vandáliko, Asko y Pena (pioneering political hc in our city), etc,
etc. There are hundreds... thousands of bands.


I described you as a band with more influences from 77 than from Bad Religion, what about that?
Yes, that's correct. I think you can compare us with bands of the late 70's but i also believe that the influence of "Rock Radical Vasco" (80´s politized Rock scene from the Vasque Country), comprised of bands such as La Polla Records, M.C.D or Kortatu, is also really important to us too.

Bad Religion is a great band too, with great lyrics. I think that everyone in the band likes them but we don´t have much to do with them.


Which bands are you being compared with? Is there any band you want to be compared with?

-With the bands of the late 70´s that you already mentioned.  No, we don´t want to be compared really,  and I think this is the unanimous opinion of the band. We were always interested in having our own sound. Lately we´ve been covering The Clash a lot, which is our main influence in many aspects and not only in the musical part. 


Which is the most peculiar review you ever have got?

-I don't recall any, maybe the one that Rosario Gigs (a local zine) about our visit to La Plata (Buenos Aires).


Do you care about reviews?

-Yes, sure.


Which do you trust the most,  is it the bad or the good ones?
The bad ones, the others you forget quickly. One review said: "very good band except for the voice", I’ll never forget that one


What is the most peculiar which have happened on a gig with you, on stage or in the audience?

-Too many!. We played with Katarro Vandaliko, we were celebrating our 10 years as a band... I stagedived and came out without my wristwatch... that's our audience !. When I realized someone stole it from me, 3 or 4 songs later, I stopped the show and asked for my watch and nobody replied. I kept on playing. It was a fine gentlemen's watch.


How is a good gig with Zona 84?

-Hot, intense, shaking, some covers, some sound problems, 2 guitars, some Rock 'n' Roll classics, some new faces, the usual ones, not too many girls (I have to admit...) and the end with a stage full of friends and fans making choruses and diving into the audience.

Transpiration, emotion, diversion and anything that ends with that kind of suffixes.


How does the average fan look like?

-I couldn't tell. From a student to a juvenile delinquent.




How do you want to describe your music in three words?

-Rock 'n' Roll.


What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

-More likely it's a critic way to understand reality, a posture in life I must say. An attitude.


When you do music, what is most important for you , to have good lyrics, good melodies or to have a refrain that people remembers?

-All of the above. Essentially we have to like it. Generally every new song seems to be our best one and we can´t wait to play it live, if not we discard it right away.

Is there any good bands in Argentina right now?

-Yes, there are many and very great ones. Of all the styles.

Who is the best lyricwriter in the world?
I don't know. I think that Strummer was a great lyricist. In spanish I like Evaristo from La Polla Records, and Extremoduro has also great lyrics.


Politic and music, does it goes hand in hand?

-Not necesarily. Music it's a political standpoint. But it can be or not be explicit, pamphletary.


Please rank your five favourite records, five favouriteconcerts you have been to and the 5 most important things in life?
Too Five Punk Records:
The Clash "London Calling"
The Jam "All Mod Cons"
Die Toten Hosen "Learning English (Lesson 1)"
The Ramones "Pleasant Dreams"
Los Violadores "Y Ahora que pasa, Eh?"

Ramones c/ Todos Tus Muertos. Estadio Obras '92
La Polla Records c/ Doble Fuerza. Stadium '90s
Mal Momento. Anniversary gig. Die Schule '90s
No Demuestra Interés w/ Madball. Arlequines Theatre '90s
Hermética en el Círculo de Obreros, Rosario '90s


(5 most important things in life missing)


First, last and most expensive record ever bought?

-The first, Los Abuelos de la Nada (an Argentinean Pop Band from the 80's) "En vivo en el Opera" (Live Record). The last I don't recall, it's been a long while since I don't buy any records (have I mentioned the economical situation on our country?), I think it was Katarro Vandaliko's "Buenos Muchachos" CD. The most expensive I don't recall right now.


The most embarrassing record in your collection?

None, like every good record collector. Mi brother made fun of me for a Led Zepellin I owned . Quite a few years ago I’ve got rid of it (the record).


When you´re on tour, what do you do in the tourbus to get the time going?

-Fuck around, I don't know. We don't drink or smoke... at least inside the van.


Which is the record which must be in the tour bus, the record you can´t live without?

For the van: M.C.D's "De ningún sitio a Ninguna Parte".

What do you you know about Sweden, what is the most typical swedish?

-I think I know a little. The cold weather. Stockholm is the capital city. The Aurora Boreal?. Your national football team, I could mention some players, I think they’re a little crazy as we are here.

Have you heard any swedish bands?

-ABBA? A-HA?. No really, none that brings my attention.


Is it many interviews? Is it boring?

-Not many and it's not really boring.

Which is the question you never get but want to have, please ask it and answer it?

-Which record you have in your discman/walkman right at this moment? The answer would be: The Police "Outlandos D' Amour"


Futureplans for the band?

-Start recording our second album this winter. Some important shows, compilations and then release the album and throw release parties all over the country.

For yourself?

Personally I look forward to get back to the band. It will probably take a year for that to happen. Anyways I will be participating on the
new album, ZONA it's like one of those girlfriends... and the guys were really understanding about my situation and supported me on my decision to prioritise work. So everything's good, I can't wait to get on a stage again !!.


Ask Confusious.


Something to add?

Thanks so much for the interest in our band. Keep on spreading the punk culture . Greetings to everyone in Sweden and to the visitors of your website. Check our new record at the end of the year!. For more info write to


©All photos by Cristian Lois.