I got a demo from a very interesting band which mix Social Distortion, 77 punk and they say themselevs that there´s some glam in their music. This interview took place in march 2003.



-JeN: was started 2001 with the following line up: Spinky - vocals, Chris -

guitar, Ego T. Superstar - guitar, Kim - bas and Micro - drums. The promo “On the Roxx” was recorded. I came into the band in the end of 2001 to replace Kim who haven´t enough time with the band and soon thereafter Ego T (Benke from Chinese Takeaway) left the band. Then we were 4. In may 2002 we recorded "The-Re-Hab-E-Lula Stories" and then came our first gigs. In January 2003 Chris decided to left us because of different musical thoughts and now we´re a trio.

Spinx: .... So we can say that we started Swindle-A-Go-Go in january 2003. Before that we were named The Swindle a –go- go and we was rehearsal in full Bruce Springsteen style. We were sponsored by Stockholmsgruppen.


Please tell us about the group, age, family, work and something bad about every one?

-Jennyfer lives alone and her only interest is the music and to saw dresses, her work is secret and she is 20+.

Spinx lives in a rock n roll bubble and he refuses to come out. Age: Secret. , …Timeless….singer, poseur and guitarist(he thinks

Micro lives around the corner and he hasn´t any telephone except mobile. Age:The police have all the papers. He drums much and he listens to The Living End, Mad Sin,Crucified Barbara and old 77-punk.


Micke Borg have produced your new demo, did he do much for the sound or did you have clearly made out how you would sound

-JeN: The rest of the members have recorded with Micke so went everything out alright and he knew almost how we wanted it

Spinx: Yeah, I have been there once before with a band in Acetone Studios and I knewed that Mr Micke “Rip” Borg wouldn´t do anything wrong.


I compare you to Social Distortion, 77 punk and so on, comment?

-JeN: Yeha….it sounds good and just add some glamour!

Spinx: Yeah, the 77 punk thing is there always. Chris who have leaved now had Social Distortion as one of his favouritebands I think.


Do you care about reviews?

-JeN: yeah, of course it´s fun to get some good reviews, especially for a smallerband I think it´s important, but if you get one bad review it must be good if you got 10 good.

Spinx: Yeah, but you must remember that´s it only one persons opinion, especially if he don´t like you. Music is a taste so it´s no right or wrong.


Which is the most peculiar you have got?

-Spinx: We have got some odd mails, and somewhere we was compared visual with White Stripes, Courtney Love and Micro!!?"!?!

JeN: Hehe, right!It´s not the first time for me anyaway…



You´re a demoband, is it not so nice to be that and is it something ugly to be it? Have you heard anything from some label?.

-JeN: No, ugly to be a demoband is it not but if you want to come somewhere further as we want so can it maybe be boring to be in that style too long. We have heard from labels and we´´re going to be on a compialtion in Germany on People Like you Records

Spinx:Somethign abd to be a demoband? I don´t think it´s negative to record material and present to promote yourself. But we´re maybe going to call ourself a promoband. And then we´re looking fucking good so that thing with demoband isn´t anything we´re talking about


To be the only girl in the group, how does it feel, are they putting you down?

-JeN: I think it´s really fun, it wouldn´t be so fun among other people but should I like it I quit the band.


It´s mostly so when a girl is in a band they sing, but you plays bass and why do you play bass? Is it nice to break up the ”normal” thing when a girl is in the front and sing and do that only because of the fact that she´s cute?

-JeN: Right now is it so taht I´m a vocalist/guitarist and have played in a lot of bands as a frontfigure but it´s nice to break the normal standards and there for the fact that they must be broken. Why I play bass in Swindle a go go was that they needed someone who could play bass and I ahdn´t any band for the moment. And I thought it would be fun to try.

Spinx: And she does it good. Just because that we´re two guys and a girl in the group in the band it doesn´t mean that we´re not a girlband.. ..

JeN: No not a full boyband either so we´re a mixedtape(bad joke but it´s so much more fun in swedish), ha ha.


Is it many interviews?Is it boring?

-JeN: It haven´+t been so many interviews yet.

Spinx: yeah, in my spare time, it´s many workinginterviews….very boring.,


Which is the question you never get, but you want to have , please ask it and answer it?

-Spinx: Question-Hello, my name is Kylie, can you take a vacation from Swindle-A-Go-Go over the weekend?


JeN: öhhh...


Please rank your five best records, five best concerts and five most important things in life?

-Spinx: Sex Pistols "Never Min The Bollocks" :)

JeN: Oh, it´s very difficult, but I say the same as Spinx and Hole´s Live through this. Concerts maybe Hanoi Rocks and Pistols. I don´t know what´s most important in life except the music.
















The first, last and most expensive record ever bought?

-JeN: The first record I got was Madonna´s "Cherish" single (vinyl).

The last one was Betty Blowtorch (it´s wonderful). The most expensive must be some bootleg from USA.

Spinx:First Record Sweet "Desolation Bouleward". The last one was maybe

DGeneration "Through the darkness".. The most expensive must be some bootleg on a record fair somewhere, maybe something with Manic Street Preachers


Idols when you were small?

-JeN: How small? Madonna maybe and then I wanted to get married with Thåström.(past, present, whatever)

Spinx: Tintin, Kapten Haddock, Milou, Asterix & Obelix, Idefix, Lucky Luke

& Manchester United.


If you could choose five artists/groups which would have a concert with you, which five would you choose then?

JeN: Mike Monroe, Pink, Nikki Sixx, Sex pistols...

Spinx: Kylie Minouge, Richey James and The Wildhearts..


Is there any good bands in Sweden right now?

JeN: Yes, Swindle-a-go-go!! And some more maybe.. but I don´t like so much swedish bands.

Spinx: Yeah, maybe foregin acts on tour in Sweden...


How is it to be a small band in Sweden and play your style of music?

-JeN:It´s difficult to come somewhere, it´s like the press have decided that some bands to come foreward and then there´s no room for more. 

Spinx: It gives inspiration to try outside Sweden..and leave the dancehell in Sweden


Vad betyder ordet punk för er, är det bara ett ord eller är det en


-Spinx: My groundcourse in life..and then it´s only to make your own life. But today it´s skateboards, coca cola and MTV or

JeN: yeah precisly.. something so precious became something so sad...


What do you think about living in Sweden today?

-JeN: It´s like living anywhere. You get tired after a while

Spinx: It´s expensive to come away from here...


Gudrun Schyman, are you disappointed on her?

-JeN: I don´t care so much about politics. I have never believed in her..

Spinx: I´m really happy for her´s sake. I hope the money is good to have

How is a good concert with you

-JeN: The guitar have strings which isn´t goes apart and noone is hitting somebody else in the head with some instrument

 pinx: Jennyfer plays baseball with my head he he. A good gig with us is energic, orgasmatic and memorable.


How does your audience look like?

-JeN: They´re really sweat!

Spinx: Hard to see.


Where does the name come from, it´s really odd?

-JeN: I´m innocent, it´s Spinx who came up with it!

Spinx: It comes from the Stiv Bators song "Swingin' a go go" and the Pistols movie "The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle"


When you do music which is most important, is it to have good lyrics, good music or to have a refrain that people remembers?

-JeN: Wow.. it´s a mix of everything maybe. But I don´t write so much in this band.

Spinx: The feeling right through, but a lyric which I personally can relate to. Everything comes along in a slow and painful process


What drives you to do the things you do?

-JeN: A dream…a vision.

Spinx: I have never seen any alternatives. The rock n roll have saved my life.

JeN: Yeah, I don´t know what to be if it haven´t been rock n roll.

Where do you stand in the mp3 thing, is it good or bad for a band in your position?

-JeN: For a band of our size i think it really healps out to have free mp3´s.

Spinx: It´s free advertisment.


Futureplans for the band?

- JeN: Tour outside Sweden and release a fullength and maybe conquer the world later.

Spinx: Record some new material and start to plan our summer, if there is someone out there who is interested of booking us, mail us.


Futureplans for yourself?

-JeN: To rule the world. No but the be understood and that people can belive in me as a musican even if I´m a girl.  But there´s a whole lot of discrimination in the musicbusiness. But not in Swindle a go go.

SpinxI rather wanted to be misunderstood. It would be a defeat to be explained from the words from a wordbook…



-JeN: die today, live tomorrow.

Spinx: Life's a possibility, Death is a guarantee.


Something to add?

-JeN: after 29 questions I think I stop here. But please check our website.

Spinx: On http://www.swindleagogo.com