Subhumans have been one of
my favourite bands for a very long time and
finally I got the interview with Dick and his
Subhumans. 36 years after I first saw them in
Borås and now we write february 2020.
You have done a new album with Subhumans, long
time ago, what was the reason it took so long?
-Our drummer Trotsky lives in Germany [and the
rest of us don't] ,
so we rarely get together to create new songs,
like about once or twice a year. By last year we
had nearly enough songs for an album, so we did
a UK tour with some dates kept empty to make up
more songs, and record them, then mix them after
the tour.
Is there any difference how angry you are today
if you compare with how angry you were when you
was younger?
-Youthful anger doesn't trace itself too far
back into reasons why, it's raw and fired up.
Later on the angry youth has worked out why, and
where it comes from, who or what causes it- with
this knowledge anger becomes more controlled and
into creative
responses. It also has to work with other
emotive states that are no longer in its shadow,
like fear, confusion, hopelessness- these
negatives need anger to lift them up into
reactions and turn them outwards.
Is there many things in England to be angry
about? Many rascists? What´s your opinion
about the Brexit-thing?
-This country is fucked. Brexit has divided
everyone into leavers or remainers, and opened
the mental gateway to the lowest darkest sides
of 'Englishness': racism, intolerance,
stubbornness, nationalism, antagonistic
xenophobia and self-hate. Brought to us by the
Conservatives who failed to persuade us to
Remain and then persuaded us to Leave in the
name of democracy and the 'will of the people'
[it went 52%-48% for Leave], backed by the
largely right-wing press who demonised
immigrants, mocked any experts who pointed out
the economic/social/medical/security/travel
problems if we left, called judges who made
similar legal arguments against leaving 'traitors',
and fully backed Boris Johnson the [newly
unelected] leader of the Conservatives, with his
continual lies and incompetence and massive ego,
while stamping on anything said or done by the
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, which in contrast
to the empty slogan of 'Get Brexit Done', was
generally sound socialist ideas based on taxing
the rich and helping people out of the poverty
caused by ten years of Conservative austerity....People
are also divided into Do or Don't
know/care/think about politics, generally, and
the uncritical masses were wrongly led to
believe Brexit was the right thing to do, for
simplistic reasons that spoke of patriotism and
'taking back control', which opened the door to
the extreme 'patriots' of the far right to stir
up a lot of misinformed racism that still
lingers from the days of Empire and colonisation.
Johnson is now in power with a large majority,
and political opposition has a lot of voice, but
little else. Brexit hasn't been 'Done' at all,
and the next year of agreeing deals with the EU
will be just the start of years of chaos and
depression, and probable break-up of the UK.
Meanwhile, everyone is pissed off [even the
Leavers!], except for the rich and powerful, who
will continue to profit from our economic
subjugation and scattered resistance.
If you haven't guessed, I voted remain. I like
the idea of not being part of a 'United States
of Europe', in terms of a multi-national
singular governing body, but if the alternative
was to be 100% controlled by the Conservatives?
Fuck that!
Is there much difference between of making Music
and lyrics with Subhumans if you compare with
your other Groups Citizen Fish and Culture Shock?
-Apart from the geographic problem the Subhumans
have, not much difference at all, most bands
likely do the same, start with whatever musical
ideas there are flying about, fit some lyrics to
a regular verse/chorus structure using those
ideas, and then dump it or drive it!
Have it been many fights about the name
Subhumans, I mean with the canadian band and so
on, which band was first?
-The Canadian Subs were first, starting in 78 i
think, when we first heard about them it was
1981 and Canada was like another planet, and
having the same name wasn't a problem- and
they'd split up anyway by then. Decades later,
they reformed, and did once ask us to always add
'from the UK' to our flyers if we played in
Canada or the USA...but that's it, no actual
Which are the members today in the Group? Tell
me a Little about every one?
-Same members since 1983, me sing, Trotsky drum
Bruce guitar and Phil on
bass. In a sense, that's all anyone needs to
know about us, right? But ok here's a few vague
facts: 2 of us have children, 3 of us are
married, none of us have beards, 2 of us have
dogs, three of us own a piano and all of us have
I saw you back in 1984 in Borås and what do you
think is the biggest difference of playing live
nowadays if you compare with then?
-The crowd has got older! the average age is
probably now about 36, and it used to be
19....ok at some gigs it is still the YOOF
raging away, but generally time shifts us
all back a bit from the front to the bar area-
there's more catching up with people to do! Also
there's way less violence at gigs, the assholes
grew up or gave up trying to ruin it for
Which are the song everyone shous about and they
want to hear? And which is the songs which is
most fun to play(except the new ones)?
-No- Mickey Mouse- and Religious Wars. most fun?
dunno, I'm more a fan of excitement, and a solid
bash at Reason For Existence always leaves me
with more adrenalin than I started with.
Is there any new and old good Groups in England
right now?
Yes. Autonomads. Anything TV Smith does.
Favourite Swedish Groups?
-Asta Kask, and Union Carbide Productions
Five records you must have in the tourbus?
-[tourbus?!] 5 best albums for me would be the
Cardiacs Greatest Hits, Rezillos first album,
Mothermania by the Mothers of Invention, North
of the River Thames by Dub Syndicate and hahaha
our new album!
Is it important to get out physcial stuff of
your records?
-You mean the artwork the lyrics and the feel of
a record, absolutely!
Which of your recordsd have been the most
expensive on ebay and so on?
-My first band the Mental released an EP that i
saw on EBay for £500 once. I hope it didn't sell.
When you sold as much record back in the 80s and
90s I presume, how much could a record sell then?
-Yes, back before downloads....Day the Country
Died LP reached 100,000[!] the other LPs about
40-80,000 over the years [that
includes CDs and tapes]
Are you still buying records? Which was the
lastest one?
-A first album 'Rhythms from the Sink' by the Co
Operators, a collective of punk souls playing very
good dub reggae, self-released on Waggle Dance
Can you see yourself in 25 years do the same
thing as you do today(I´m 56 and I don´t
know how old you are but I Think you´re
somewhere there)? What can stop you do it?
-Well I'm [click click] 59 in two weeks time,
59 + 25 = 84?! ha! old age punk in a care home
half deaf half amnesiac putting the world to
rights! but still on a stage? Fingers crossed I
see sense and stop before a heart attack!
How do you see on punk today if you compare when
you first came into punk?
-The difference between being part of something
new as it starts, and discovering something new
years after it started, is all in the perception
afforded by hindsight, and its easy to think
that it was more exciting in '79 than it is now-
but that excitement came with the threat of
violence by or against punks, which has now
largely vanished, and the present-day feeling of
punk 'family' wasn't around then, so....which is
better? Neither. Punk evolves AND keeps it roots.
Which was the Group/song/thing which took you
into punk once upon a time?
-The Adverts 'Bored
teenagers' being played on the radio one
Saturday afternoon, here was a song that i could
relate to, where all the 'fast bits' were stuck
together [no slow bits!]- i'll have some more of
this, please!
What is the most shocking a Young guy can do do
shock their parents today? When we were Young it
was enough with a safety pin on your jacket?
-Refuse to use any machines before the age of 13
What do you Think about Rebellion? Is it like
seeing the old family?
-It is exactly like that, it´s so easy to miss
all the bands you want to see cos time chatting
goes really fast!
I like beer and make my own beer, do you drink
beer? If you do which is your favorite sort? You
don´t have any thoughts of doing a
Subhumans-beer? Is it Ok if I sometime use one
of your picture for an own beer(i don´t sell
them or so)?
-I drink whisky or rum, when i did drink beer
then a good pilsner did it for me. iIdunno how
much money or time it takes to create a new beer,
but I doubt I have enough of either! But go
ahead with a subhumanic brew!
Which are the futureplans for Subhumans in the
near future?
-Keep doing gigs and try to get the next album
out faster than the last one!
For yourself?
-Finish this interview, sorry it took this long!
It´s the cursed email swamp!
-Onwards. be happy, get angry
Some question you want to have, please ask it
and answer it?
-Do i get time to think about this?
Something more things to add?
-FOUR has 4 letters in it. ONE POINT THREE has
13 letters in it. There are no others.[are there?]
Thank you for your patience!