-The chaos began in mid-2003 when four punks with a singular vision got
together in the Ruhrpott region in Germany. After some line-up shuffling
and the addition of a second guitarist in 2005, we had found the perfect
balance to power a hard but melodic punk rock attack. In early 2004 we
released our debut “Stand Up and Fight” EP on a local German label, then
in late 2005 we released a self titled EP on FNS Records from Boston and
now teamed up with Punk Core, we are ready to take our message around the
In support of the debut album DSKLation, we have touched down on American
soil for a full US tour from July to mid August 2006 to only head back to
prepare for a European tour with label mates Action. Right now we play as
a 4- piece Band again.
Please tell me a little about every member, age, family, work, interésts
something bad about every one?
-Torsten is 20 our singer, unemployed has a girlfriend& his hobby is Punk
Rock, his bad habit probably is that he gets pissed about everything. Haha
but that´s funny for us, coz it sometimes doesn´t come serious.
Fab is 22, Drumcomputer, officially a Student has a girlfriend & hs hobby
is drinking, touring & Punkrock. His bad habit might be that he can be a
very nasty bastard… but that also sometimes can be very funny for the
Nils is 25 plays Bass works at AMP Recording studio & we formed the Label
AMP Records (www.amprecords.de) together, he has a girlfriend & his
interests are Punk Rock, touring & he is a complete computer nerd. His bad
habit is that he is very very carefull that it sometimes can be really
annoying, we always call him MR. rational
I am Benni, 21 & the guitar player & singer for SS-KALIERT. I work with
Nils in the AMP Studio & also with the Label. I´m the only swinger (not
really) in the band & my interests are Punk Rock, touring & networking. I
guess my bad habit can be that sometimes I act really bossy…
”My review of your stuff is like that:
SS-KALIERT-DSKLATION(CD-PUNKCORE PC 45 CD) SS-Kaliert mixes both german
and english in their tough punkrock. I think of the good old time and the
early 80´s when the group is on it's way and play. The Mohawks is blowing
in the wind and this is really this way punk should sound, anyway if a
band is on Punkcore. Because here it is tough punkrock which is the thing
and really punky style to look. I like when groups sings in german because
for me it feels like it's the ultimate rocklanguage many times, anyway
when we talk about punkrock. The 11 songs goes very fast over us but SSK
shows us here on this short time that they´re worth to take serious.(SEVEN)
What about it?
-I have no more words than “Thanx for the compliment!”
Is there any other bands
you´re being compared with?
-Yes, PUNK CORE always compare us as a mixture between the Casualties, OHL
& One Way System. Most reviewers mention us as the German Casualties, or
German Exploited of the new age.
Do you care about reviews?
-Yeah, kind of. I mean I don´t give a fuck if somebody writes shit about
us, coz that is the only promotion that people read, but I would lie if I
said that i´m not happy if we get a good review
SS Kaliert, where did the name come from?
-A good mixture between provocation & alcohol… It means “It is escalating”
& originally written “Es Eskaliert”, but we wanted a name/logo that
catches your eye straight away when you see it on a flyer! It does not
have anything to do with the Nazi SS, we are strictly anti fascist!
What´s the best and the worst with being a punkband?
-The best thing about being a punk band is defiantly that you´re able to
tour, meet cool new people, get onto the bill for cool shows that you
would have went to anyway & of course the music & words you´re able to
spread around. The worst things definitely turn out when you get back home
from tour you can hardly save yourself from all those bills you missed to
pay while you where on the road. Also it sucks if you have a Girlfriend &
she is jealous…
How is it to live in Germany today?
-It´s Ok. Sure it´s very good compared to other countries such as Iraq, or
Africa. But as everywhere there are still things that could run better

What about your government?
-They are same (as everywhere) a bunch of lying fuckers who all kiss the
big American ass!
Do you think that music and politics goes hand in hand?
-Yes & no. You should defiantly take a clear stance as a (especially Punk
rock) Band, but having politics being more important than the music is not
the reason why I like Punk Rock!
Best political band?
-SLIME from Hamburg/Germany
Is there any good bands in your
homecountry now?
-No, we are the only
What do you know about Sweden?
-That many dodgy bands, such as Ultima Thule, The Jinx, Midgars Söner etc
are from there but also some of the coolest bands I´ve ever heared, too
like Asta Kask, Radioaktiva Räka or Wolfpack/brigade & very pretty girls!
Have you heard any good swedish bands?
-Yer, look above!
What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?
-Punk is an attitude to live, you can´t describe it, just feel it!
Please rank your five favourite records, five favourite concerts and five
most important things in life?
-I could rank 100.000 favourite records, but here are the first that come
up to my mind:
Casualties – For the Punx
Exploited – Troops of Tomorrow
Slime – S/T
Virus – Still Fighting for a Future
5 Favoutite concerts i´ve been to:
Oxymoron in Bochum
Krum Bums Everywhere
Casualties in Düsseldorf
Unseen in Oberhausen
OHL at Punk & Disorderly in Berlin
5 most important things in life:
Record Collection
My Guitar
First, last and most expensive record ever bought?
-First was Me first & the Gimme Gimmes – “Garf” 7”, last was Total Chaos
“17 Years of Chaos” LP & the most expensive one was Vorkriegsjugend “S/T”

Most embarrasing record in your collection?
-Eisenpimmel – Dicke Eier Weihnachtsfeier!
Punkcore, does it seems to be a good label??
-Yes, they take very much care of their bands & Labelboss Dave has become
a good friend of mine since we´ve signed to Punk core.
Is it many interviews? Is it boring?
-Yes, we get many interviews, especially since we´ve signed to Punk Core,
If we get the same questions over & over again it gets kind of boring, but
every interviewer has his specialties with cool & interesting questions!
Which is the question you never get, please ask it and answer it?
-HA! That´s a real good one. Let me think…do we earn money w/ shows or on
NO WE DO NOT!!! In fact we loose a lot of money on tour….
Is it any chance to see you in sweden soon?
-If somebody can organise us a couple of cool gigs there we´d really love
to play in Sweden, so if you are a booker please contact us (benni@ss-kaliert.com)
Where is the best place to play?
-Movimento in Vienna, AK47 in Düsseldorf & Allen Theatre in Southgate (Los
How is a good gig with you?
-Hard to say, I suggest the best thing is to ask people who are in the
Why don´t you sing in only in german?
-Coz some songs just sound shitty in German, Imagine, fuck off & die: fick
dich & stirb! Shitty, eh?
Futureplans for the band?
-We´re gonna record 2 songs for a split 7” with Toxic Narcotic from
Boston, then we´ll write new songs for a new Album & then we´ll tour as
much as we can!
For yourself?
-Getting my Label & the Recording Studio bigger so that I can live of it &
don´t have to ask for payment of the government anymore.
-Live your life the way you want & stand proud to what you think!
Something to add?
-Thanx to you Peter for the Interview & I hope that we can meet in near
future on a gig in Sweden!!! Check out our Homepage http://www.ss-kaliert.com
- Up the Punx!!! |