Slaveriet is a group consisting of members of old Frost for example. A brief interview was made here at the turn of the month March-April 2018 when their mini-CD was released.


A little story about the group?

-After the band FROST, where Jonsson Jenz and Bjurre played together, reached the end of 2011. So Jonsson moved to Japan and the rest remained in their destiny. But when life took another way, and Jonsson took his guitar to return to his home country, the contacts between the former bandmembers were re-linked. But there was no intention of recreating FROST. We started to meet and test new songs, when Loppan came into the group so was SLAVERIET born.


Tell us a little about each member, age, job, family, band before and band next to it? Frost does not exist or?

-Frost is dead and buried, and we just grow older and older. Jonsson also plays in the HC band DENY, where also the old FROST singer Johan is in.


I can hear both Tant Strul and tougher Swedish punk, am I right? Was it better back in time?

-We are just looking forward and there are certainly 100 influences to be found for those who are looking for it.



Are you satisfied with the name? If you hit Google, you get a lot of pictures, but usually not on you! What is the idea behind the name? If the best band name had not been taken, if you had chosen name, would you have chosen? I mean which is the best band name?

-We are very pleased with the band name SLAVERIET. Try to google the name in a few years to see if there's any picture on us!


What's the best thing about playing live?

-To meet the audience when everything becomes a single organism, because that's how punk should be experienced. And to meet and see other bands.


Where is the best to play, where is the worst?

-Best: Small intimate clubs with beer sales. Worst: It must be the pingst Chruch meeting without beer sales.


How is it to play this kind of punk in Sweden today?

-It goes very well!


How would you describe your music in three words?

-Intensively, joyful and rejuvenating.


What does punk mean to you, is it just a word or is it a lifestyle?

-For us, it's a relationship to life.


How do you look on downloading, mp3 and the like?

-Go ahead. Music should be accessible to anyone regardless of wallet.


How do you think it's to live in Sweden today, politically?

-We probably live in one of the world's best countries, but it has become more and more polarized, where we do not really take responsibility for each other and there is a clear "we and them" thought.


Are there any bands in Sweden today? You are home town

-Absolutely! There is an infinite array of new and old bands to take from. However, it feels like there is a generation shift in the Swedish punkscene at this time.


Do you play anything outside Sweden?

-Not yet, when we have just started our journey.


Other good bands from abroad?

-There are many, but we mention one band each. NOFX, Honningbarna, The Interrupters, Pennywise.


Your lyrics, what are you influenced by? Never in a language other than Swedish?

-All the world's decadence. But also the few glitters that humans can produce. We only write lyrics in Swedish.


Is there anything you will never write about?

-No. But we avoid years, people and resemblances, as this may be a passover.


Politics and music, do you always belong?

-No absolutely not. But if you express an opinion, it will be politics and it is important for us to be able to fight every way.


Best political band/artist?

-The tragically abandoned artist Jerry "Jerka" Williams who always stood behind the Swedish working class in wet and dry.


Do you think music can change someone's life, then I mean lyrics etc?

-We are convinced. Lyrics can have more influence on people than one can think.


our cover is really nice on your CD, who has done it. Is it important to have a cover so people understand what kind of music you play? What is your favorite cover all the time? ...

-Thanks that you think so! It is our friend Emma Berggren who created cover and logo along our visions. We have no direct favorite cover.


Is it important to get out physical discs? Vinyl or CD or both and? Is there any good record store in your hometown? What is the next discrelease that you will do?

-It's interesting to us is to get out our music no matter what medium. Recordstores are really dead in this area. Most of them have moved out online now. The next disc release for us will be through Second-Class-Kids Records. It will be a full-length album released on vinyl and digital.


Please tell me something really fun that happened during your career on stage or behind stage etc?

-One of the most memorable was during a FROST show, when the then singer Johan was broken down and forced by an elderly woman. She stormed the stage and made her coup and we had to cancel the gig for a while! A very weird situation!


How is your audience looking like? Which type of people comes to your concerts? Do you miss any kind of people?

-We have the world's nicest looking audience!


Please rank five favorite discs, five favorite concerts?

-We can not pick out five favorites because there are too many out there. Many wills and experiences in the band. Almost become the end of SLAVERIET!


Is it boring with interviews?

-It is nice to do interviews. Makes you think about what you think and want to convey to everyone who is reading. There are forums such as Skruttmagazine and the like, an important feature. As a link between bands and those who are interested!


If you could choose five bands from the past, dead and alive to have a concert with your band, what are the dreambands then?

-Nostalgia is not our thing, and among the living we do not have such ranking.


Is music a great way to get frustration and become a nicer person? Are you angrier today than you were young punks?

-For us, it's definitely a blowvalve in existence. To get out frustration/aggression and thus become a little better person. For us, it's a constant state. From the beginning, everything was black or white, while it became more nuanced over time.


What is the strangest question you received in an interview?

-We as a band have not received it than we've been in the business so short time. But we look very much forward to deliver a slight answer!


Which is the question you never get, ask it and answer it?

-Question: Are you fire with firewood? Answer: NO!


Future plans for the band?

-To develop together and spread the gospel of SLAVERIET to those who are receptive to it.


Your own plans?

- See the answer to the latest question. We have answered the questions together in SLAVERIET.


Words of wisdom?

-Who do you want to be? How do you want be experienced?


Easy to add?

-Thanks for us! We'll see you somewhere out there! Then we continue to punk on in existence. / SLAVERIET