Sister Sin is among the most interesting bands in the metalstyle I have heard lately. I hope you all go and buy their album Switchblade Serenades when it comes…. Dave have answered a lot of questions from me in September 2008.



-Me(Dave)& Christian started the band 2002 and we found each other through a common uninteresting for Limp Bizkit & "the gothenburg sound". Liv came into the band a little bit after that and Jimmy came when we kicked our homeless guitarist 2004. Sister Sin maybe sounds familiar for some people just because of we have gigged as idiots since 2005 and done tours with WASP for example in Sweden.  


Please tell me a little about every member, age, family , interests and something bad about every one?

-We´re all born in the 80´s. Chris(bass) is the only one who have a family: two children and he´s grown up in Skåne. Something bad: He thinks that fine whiskey is the homebrewed sort with an essence.

Liv(vocals) is born in Laholm and her biggest interest is karaoke. Something bad: She isr fitness instructor.

Jimmy (guitar) is a proud storageworker and his biggest interests is older cellphones. Somethign bad: He really likes Yngvie Malmsteen´s music.

Me (drums) is a lesser proud storageworker whio loves prison-movies(not Prison Break) and Tattoos. Something bad: Have never heard about your zine.,?  


Before or on the side of Sister Sin?

-Yes. Liv played before in Hysterica, it´s female Manowar-styled. Jimmy played black metal Maleficio & Arch Angel. I played some years ago in a "The Kristet Utseende" cover band which was named Salo,he,he..


Please tell me how you get in touch with Metal Heaven and how is Victory mixed in here?

-It was so with Metal Heaven that we had to get out a record quickly because it went on really fast with all the promotion we got when we played at Sweden Rock Festival, the WASP-tour and other media. The label boss gave us a contract which was working really good and we took it. Victory Records release our music everywhere except in Europe and that´s the label we call home. And then they have really big resources and over 20 years experience of this. And therefore so is USA our biggest target for this record.  


Really fast metalstyled punk or punkstyled metal? Choose for yourself which is the best description on your music?

-Must be punkstyled metal if you say so.  


How have the reviews been?

 -Very good at this point!


Do you care about reviews? Could anything do so you change your music just because of that someone writes that your music is bad in some point?

 -Of course you lick it into yourself  if any review is good , otherwise we don´t care. Yopu must think of the fact that the person who review maybe hate our music so it is madness to care about it if he/she thinks that your music sucks.  


How would you describe your music in three words?

1.Old 2.School 3.Metal


How is it to be a band like this in Sweden? Is it more interests from outside Sweden?

-It´s a little bit trendy now with all Stockholms glambands and that´s both bad and good for us. We don´t want to be mixed 100% with those bands.

And then it´s some interests from Germany, Italy and USA. 


Have you been much outside Sweden and played? Where is best?

-Some, we have been to Germany some times and it´s always fun. And then we have been to Scotland, England and Czech Republic too. Germany have been the best this far and they´re mad over there


Which type of people comes to your concerts? And which do you miss?

-It´s sort of people, the one we miss is Bajsmannen and the Brothers Metal on all our concerts.


Is there any good bands in Sweden today?

-Yes. RAM, a good NWOBHM band from Gothenburg which have too little attention. The Haunted is good and Spiritual Beggars is really good , do they exist?  


Which is your relation to punk? Any favourites?

-I am an old punk and I´m still listening to bands like  Driller Killer, Anti Cimex, Blood for Blood, Skitsystem..and so on...


Please rank your five favourite concerts and five favourite records?


1. Motley Crue-Shout At The Devil


3. Motörhead-Inferno

4. Suicidal Tendencies-Lights, Camera:Revolution

5. House Of Pain-Same As It Ever Was


Motörhead-Kåren 96

Metallica-Scandinavium 91

Twisted Sister-SRF 04

Testament-SRF 08

Motley Crue-SRF 05(?)


The first the last and the most expensive record ever bought?

-First: Dr.Alban-Hello Africa on cassette. latest: Airbourne-Runnin Wild. Most expensive: Must be some limited old picturedisc on vinyl with Twisted Sister…I was mad about them some years ago


The most embarrassing record in your collection?

-Vanilla Ice debut record..but I am really proud of the buying if I think about it.


The record you bought but you become so disappointed on?

-It was some Danzigrecord which sounded like industri/techno.


How do you think it is to live in Sweden….politically?

-I haven´t so much to compare with because I haven´t lived anywhere else. Politically I don´t want to talk about but I can say so much that I didn´t vote for the Blue ones.


Which is the dreamland to live in?

-My brother lives in Vietnam since many years back and I have been an visited him some times. And I can imagine myself to live there some year or so.


Is it many interview now, is it boring?

-Very much and very boring yes, hahahaha..


How do you see on downloading? Is it something you do for yourself? And if you do in which purpose?  

-I don´t really have the time do develop our/my view on downloading but I download both music and movies. But I always buy a record which I like to support the artist.


Which band can it be good for with downloading?

-For demoband is it a really good way to do their music available, something that we have used before.


Do you recognize the feeling to sit outside a recordstore and wait just to get a new record you want? Have you sometime longing so much after a new record so you have been sitting outside the recordstore wand waited?  

-No, I´m sad to say, I have the patience to wait til I get it from Ginza.


Futureplans for the band?

-If everything goes as we planned so is it a lot of touring. We go to the States in November one month and do gigs, and then in December a tour in Europé. Back to USA next year.


For yourself?

-To be away so much as possible from my work,..





Something to add?

-Come to Stars N Bars in Gothenburg the 26th of September and then we have a releaseparty and don´t forget to buy(or download) our record  "Switchblade Serenades"

Have a good time!