Rövsvett has really been in the punk world for a
long time. Löken is the one who plays bass in
the group and he was friendly and answered a lot
of questions from me in April 2021.
Have there been many member changes over the
years? Have you had any breaks or have you been
an active band all along? What was the year you
-There have been some over the years, Rylle
moved to Örebro 1996 after "Burn the gaynuns"
our tribute CD to Poison Idea, 1997 the year
after we recorded "Allmakt åt mig" our 2nd CD on
Birdnest Records so did Frank laid the
drumsticks aside, everything has it´s time, now
we are Jerker vocals, Löken bass, Atti guitar &
Ortman drums. Yep we have always played not
always had rehearsal room, the first 5 years we
borrowed a room, only had a bass and microphone.
it all started in the summer of 1983.
Tranås collection is a really good collection,
isn't it? Is it a bootleg or were you on aware
of the release?
-No, we have been involved in putting it
together with Criminal Attack Records in Brazil.
Daniel ETA has made the cover which will
probably be printed as a t-shirt as well, may
come as a LP and that remains to see.
-Who does not do that, jazz as punk, you want to
play outside, meet people, meet, chat with other
bands, that's what it's fun to play with
different bands, all bands do their thing as you
like, so do we think,
we are a HC band, can´t do nothing else,
no, but like to mangle, would be fun to play for
8 persons but we are 4 so it will be empty.
What kind of audience do you have live, are they
just old fans or are there new abilities in the
-Good question! probably old guys, but of course
some younger may have adopted our style, no idea,
"do not remember my punk anymore" was so fucking
long ago you played and get crazy, no, but it
was great fun last time we played in Klippan Nov
2019 with Beckmörkt (the little punk) he visited
us in "Kaffe", Slaveriet with Bjurren & Jenz
nice gang, Världen Brinner and Sardo Numpsa. You
miss the meetings with people, fans, other
bands, the good food, playing live is the most
fun thing you can do, the lack is huge, the day
you can play at a gig then we will be ready,
hope you are too. ..
-Coste said it it around 1981 and it has kept
up, Boxholm and Tranås punks were tight and are
still, we went to gigs, partyed, formed bands,
we hung so it was just, things you can miss
today, punk was a great time , fun as hell,
certainly usually dangerous with raggare that
chased us on the streets but we punks kept
together and keep together even today.
You sing in Swedish most of the time but throw
in English song sometimes? But you prefer
Swedish or? Who does the lyrics most often? What
influences you to your lyrics?
-Yes, it has become someone in English, but it
is in Swedish we are Rövsvett, it is Jerker who
writes all texts, everyday life, humor, politics,
religion, what comes in and news of the day-.
A fun experience I had with your band was when I
was checking records on Dolores many years ago
and two cops were there and they were really
fascinated by your name? Do you have any funny
anecdotes to tell about a name choice?
The 2nd gig they turned on our name the oppsite
way and the mixer guy left when we played, but
it went well anyway!
The first record you bought or got?
-Clash 1st LP I got on cassette 1977 is and
remains a fave band.
The album that changed your life?
-Why 12 ", Pick your king 7" and Dischord 4
first 7 "Minor Threat, S.O.A., Teen Idles and
Government Issue.
Last album you bought?
-Do not often buy records, usually you trade
with other bands or with companies.
The album you are ashamed of?
- Nothing to be ashamed of.
The album that makes Rövsvett sound like you do?
- "Jesus var en tomte" 7 "the energy, the lack,
the humor, there you have us Rövsvett.
The album that always must be in the tour bus?
-Crucifix, Bad Brains, DK, Poison Idea, Day
Nasty and Huvudtvätt.
The album you would have liked to have been on
and played on?
- Can't think of anything.
Are there any other good bands in Sweden today
that you think are worth mentioning?
-No Idea, First In Line, Isotope Soap, feels
like there was a lot of Östgöta punk here, but
so it must be!
You have released your records on many different
companies? Are you on a record label right now?
-No nothing written, we release our records on
companies that like us and we like them so that
how easy it is!
What is the most expensive record you have heard
that any of your records have been sold for?
-SEK 500 for a 7 "may but some have for sure
gone for more.
-Have never left punk, still like punk, HC,
there is so much punk Polish, Japanese, Italian,
Finnish, American, Norwegian of course most of
it is probably the time when you listened most
that still lasts 80-86, punk has that meaning
that you can express yourself, you have the
right to say your opinion
Does politics and music always go together? Or
say some bands you like that are not political?
Which is the best political band?
-Political punk, yes a lot is politics, of
course, Crass will be the foreign band and from
Sweden it will be Ebba Grön and Slobobans
Who was Boll-Mats? We have a guy here in Mölndal
who is also called that…
-He is secret, does not want to reveal his
identity, a nice guy simply, good that his name
is inherited.
Is there any fans of yours who have done
something really dedicated, like tattooing a
logo or something like that?
-Yes, some have heard asked if it was ok, of
course just fun, one in our town have a Rövsvett
tattoo on his entire back, Jerker also has
Rövsvett on his neck.
-No no tributes except for Poison Idea, it hvae
become some covers over the years, Iron Fist we
actually done the same day as Motorhead did
their last gig, we did the song as a tribute
first to Filthy, then we released "Ryssen
kommer" 7 "the same day Lemmy passed away, that
was heavy, first happy that the record came out,
then depressing when a hero did who got the punk
and metal scene together.
Is there a lot to do with Just 4 Fun Records?
You have a small distro too or how is it?
-Just4Fun Records is Snuffe´'s company, I myself
release records on Röv Records and Fetvadd
Records, change some records as you did before,
-Sweden is probably pretty good if you think
about healthcare, dental care, A kassan, etc.,
unfortunately much has become impersonal with
all technology, you can never talk to people,
sit in a queue system for everything, the post
was sabotaged by Maud Olofsson, yes we have
slowly dismantled everything we have built up,
sold out everything, politicians are stupid and
get away with everything, yes people are stupid
in the head and deny corona, they could pay a
visit to some IVA in a hospital and understand
what job they do , damn you get scared of the
dark, so many who are blown away, but we have
the internet today and you can see everything
and believe in everything, the last idiot is not
Have you played a lot abroad over the years, if
so, where has been the best?
-Has been some tours in Brazil 2016, Finland
2015, USA / Canada 2013 also Denmark and Norway.
Brazil was so fucking fun and successful, Josi
arranged the tour so well, we met fans, played
with good bands, then I understood that Swedish
HC is big in Brazil.
-Jerker´s idea. A character, maybe he would have
explained it better, good song anyway, we
actually played the whole record when it was
released in 2008, fun, do not know if people
appreciated it, now we have tested it too.
Is it important for you to release physical
records, why or why not?
-Yes I still like to release vinyl, CD, cassette
and may be old fashion, is something special
with a record, record release and you create
something and release it and people want it,
miss the time when you were in the record store
and listened to new records, that were times
good people.
Which bands are you compared to when you get
reviews? Which is the most odd thing you have
been compared to and do not understand at all?
-You say Discharge, no I do not know, we are
Rövsvett and like all other bands you do your
thing and hope that someone likes it. When we
played in town in the 80's they wrote that we
were hardrock, ok, where they found that
comparison I do not know.
-Coffee, mangle, humor.
Are there a lot of interviews these days? Boring
or fun?
-It happens every now and then, not as much as
before when it was a
fanzine in every city, when everyone in
bands made their own fanzine as well, always
just fun to answer questions.
Strangest question you ever got? (Besides this
one then)?
-Is there any strange questions, totally ok!
Where does the name Skrutt fanzine come from? (I
thought it sounded tough 37 years ago / editor)
Future plans for the band?
-Hope for a gig, are booked for 3 gigs, 2 with
Attentat in Kalmar and Linköping in September
and also a gig at a bike club in Tranås,
otherwise most focus is on making new songs for
an upcoming album, our 6th. We go into the
studio this autumn in Studio Underjord to record
under the work theme "Småland".
-Has 3 projects including Jarruketju with people
from Rövsvett, Driller Killer, A.R.D. and Bob
Malmström which released a 7 "2020 on Fetvadd
Records and plays bass, Unbearable Error (with a
full 16 BUH) punk / HC in poem form with people
from Colombia, Ireland, Wales, Serbia, Croatia,
Puerto Rico have recorded 22-27 songs and
releases an LP in 2021 there I played guitar, my
latest project is Aversao with folks from Brazil
and Spain who were supposed to release a 7 "but
unfortunately Alex from Rot, Cruel Face and
Bucho Discos passed away in covid 19 this
Thursday, there I played drums, only had time to
put guitar and drums, is very sad, what a nice
guy, Rövsvett released 3 7 "on his company and
played with his band in Brazil and lived at his
house, a great man and important for the
grindcore scene in Brazil has passed away.
Today's words of wisdom?
-Pogo, stagedive and slamdance or was it river
dance, do not remember.
-Thank you Peter for good questions and like us,
you do your thing well and we do ours in the
hope of also being good, thank you again and
take care, until we meet at a stage in the near
A funny anecdote, when we were in the studio to
record "Den falske kakaoinspektören", our old
singing local policeman appeared in the middle
of the mix and said "well, it's the band that
starts with R and ends with T, I do not take it
in my mouth "rallies" hallelujah, hallelujah "
we laugh as hell. Even with things that changed
I must say Radio One with John Peel in England
and Radio Luxemburg who both played a lot of
punk, you became happy as a 12-13 year old, not
to forget "Nu Våg", then radio was important.
Shame : yes you can ask yourself how bands like
Bitch Boys thought when they did their 2nd LP,
Rude Kids in Swedish, Discharge "Grave New
World", Bad Religion "Into the unknown" LP, it
was probably such a time when metal and synth
existed and bands tested new styles, just a
little thought around some record releases.