MODRY TANKY-VSECHNO JE SPATNE, ZPATKY NA STROMY(LP-PAPAGAJUV HLSATEL PH 302) Skivan börjar med snack från Rockfest 88 och sedn är
skivan igång. En jävligt fräck gitarr som nästan låter som en Shadows-gitarr
eller något sådant inleder skivan med Predehra. Annars är deras musik punkig
fast på ett sätt som gör att det låter lite naket på något sätt och det
känns som tidstypiskt på något sätt för öststatspunken i slutet av 80-talet.
Det känns så befriande att lyssna på gruppen för de följde inga trender
känns det som och de spelade verkligen som de ville. Jag kan tänka mig att
band som Stranglers, Fall och en hel del punkband hade lyssnats på innan de
bestämde sig för att bilda ett band. Precis som tidigare är det detta ett
ovärderligt tidsdokument som PHR ger oss och jag älskar bara dessa skivor
från detta bolag. Kanske inte världens bästa ljud, världens mest tighta band
men det är mycket känsla när den här gruppen spelar musik. Den långa låten
Zive Cile börjar med en flöjt eller liknande och de var inte rädda för att
ta in okonventionella instrument i sin musik precis. Experimentlusta i sann
punkanda! 31/10-2023 |
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record starts with talk from Rockfest 88 and then the record is on. A
fucking cool guitar which almost sounds like a Shadows-guitar or something
like that starts the record with Predehra. Otherwise their music is punky
but in a way that makes it sound a little bit naked in some way and it feels
like timetypical in some way for the eastern punk in the end of the 80 ´s .
It feels so liberating to listen to the group because they didn ́t follow
any trends it feels like and they really played the way they wanted. I can
imagine that bands like Stranglers, Fall and a lot of punk bands had been
listened to before they decided to form a band. Just like before, this is an
invaluable time document that PHR gives us and I just love these records
from this label. Maybe not the world's best sound, the world's tightest band
but it ´s a lot of feeling when this group plays music. The long song Zive
Cile starts with a flute or similar and they were not afraid to bring in
unconventional instruments in their music exactly. Experimentation in true
punk spirit! 31/10-2023 |
PH 264)
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PHR RECORDS continues its cultural
deed and releases old Czech groups on its label. I love thinking about how
dangerous it really was when they first released this in 1987, and playing
punk before the wall fell. MODRY TANKY plays a pretty kind and slightly
different punk but it goes straight to the heart I think. Now I don't know
Czech, but I hope and believe that the texts are tough and tough on the
regime. But it's really shit the same because the interesting thing is that
they dared. But the music perhaps goes more towards new wave than it being
hardcore if you say so. Can't really be compared to anything and that's
usually good... That doesn't in any way mean it's really weird or bad
music... on the contrary. The music feels uplifting somehow. Maybe not
something for those who want well-played USHC or something like that but for
those of you who are curious about all punk music, it is a given purchase.
31/7-2022 |