Forever börjar bra med Ramonesinfluenserna och hey-ho…Sedan blir det en riktigt bra powerpoplåt med kvinnlig sång och det är så lätt att bara nynna med och studsa upp och ner. Sommarlåt? Visst är det det kanske men det är också en låt som värmer i vinterkylan. 6 minuter 3 låtar och ni förstår att det är tempo här och det är det verkligen. Jag älskar bara deras surfpunk och Psychotic Youth och Sonic Surf City har fått sig en utmanare i powerpunksmästerskapen. Jag tror inte att de tävlar utan att de kan kampera sida vid sida. Och Kahuna Surfers gör inte bort sig i det sällskapet vill jag säga i alla fall. De avslutar skivan med en instrumental låt på typiskt surfmanér och det är kanske inte min favoritstil när det är instrumentalt men just i denna musikstilen kan jag acceptera det och Invasion of the bodysurfer skulle kunna kvala in som titellåt i en Tarrantino-film. Har ni missat Kahuna Surfers och vill ha melodisk punkig surfmusik så är detta det perfekta valet för dig. 20/11-2024



Forever starts well with the Ramones influences and hey-ho... Then it becomes a really good powerpop song with female vocals and it is so easy to just hum along and bounce up and down. Summer song? Sure it might be, but it's also a song that warms you in the winter cold. 6 minutes 3 songs and you understand that it is tempo here and it really is. I just love their surfpunk and Psychotic Youth and Sonic Surf City have got themselves a challenger in the powerpunk championships. I don't think they compete, but that they can fight side by side. And Kahuna Surfers don't make a fool of themselves in that company, I want to say anyway. They end the album with an instrumental song in typical surf fashion and that is maybe not my favorite style when it is instrumental but in this particular style of music I can accept it and Invasion of the bodysurfer could qualify as the title song in a Tarrantino movie. If you have missed Kahuna Surfers and want melodic punky surf music then this is the perfect choice for you. 20/11-2024


Surfpunk är ju en underskattad stil och våra största band i Sverige är väl Sonic Surf City och Psychotic Youth men Kahuna Surfers ligger inte långt efter. Jag älskar de sköna körerna i bakgrunden, de snygga melodierna och alla vet ju att Beach Boys och punk hör ihop. De jobbar tydligen på en ny skiva och det ser jag framemot men nu till denna skivan. De blandar sånginsatserna mellan kvinna och man och jag tycker inte det spelar någon roll vem som sjunger för det är lika bra i båda fallen. I Summer Bay har de till och med fått in lite reggaetoner i musiken. Kanske inte en grupp som kommer att bli kända för sina politiska texter utan här är som bör sommartexter och det passar kanske bäst in på den här typen av musik. Jag blir i alla fall väldigt glad av deras musik och det är alltid kul att bli uppiggad av musik och när man blir det så här så kommer livsglädjen tillbaka trots att det är första dagen efter semestern idag.  Så köp skivan och nästa och nästa och nästa! 15/8-2024




Surfpunk is an underrated style and our biggest bands in Sweden are Sonic Surf City and Psychotic Youth but Kahuna Surfers is not far behind. I love the nice choirs in the background, the nice melodies and everyone knows that Beach Boys and punk belong together. They are apparently working on a new record and I am looking forward to that but now to this record. They mix the vocal efforts between woman and man and I don't think it matters who sings because it's equally good in both cases. In Summer Bay, they have even got some reggaetones into the music. Maybe not a group that will be known for their political lyrics but here are as should summer lyrics and it maybe fits best on this type of music. I get very happy from their music and it's always fun to be invigorated by music and when you get it like this the joy of life comes back even though it's the first day after the vacation today. So buy the record and the next and the next and the next! 15/8-2024


Thank you Jörgen, I would like to say first. Psychotic Youth is Sweden's or perhaps the world's best surf punk band and they prove it as usual on this 5-song splitsingel. Psychotic makes three of the songs and it's full steam as usual. I love Jörgen's voice that fits so right into this kind of music. I don't know who made Hang Ten in the first place, but Psychotic Youth has made it their own. In the last song Kick out, Gunnar's organ gets to have a dominant part at the beginning and it gives a nice feeling. Not so much singing on it.  Now we turn the record around and there we find Kahuna Surfers and there are beautiful Beach Boys choirs and I love that group already after the first song. Their second song is written by Jörgen as I said and it is called Summer of love and on that song Camilla sings and it adds another dimension with a woman on vocals in fast surf punk..... a fantastic little single in stylish white vinyl... 21/2-2022



Thank you Jörgen, I would like to say first. Psychotic Youth is Sweden's or perhaps the world's best surf punk band and they prove it as usual on this 5-song split single. Psychotic makes three of the songs and it's full steam as usual. I love Jörgen's voice that fits so right into this kind of music. I don't know who made Hang Ten in the first place, but Psychotic Youth has made it to their own. In the last song Kick out, Gunnar's organ gets to have a dominant part at the beginning and it gives a nice feeling. Not so much singing on it.  Now we turn the record around and there we find Kahuna Surfers and there are beautiful Beach Boys choirs and I love that group already after the first song. Their second song is written by Jörgen as I said and it is called Summer of love and on that song Camilla sings and it gives another dimension with a woman on vocals in fast surf punk..... A beautiful little single in beautiful white vinyl... 21/2-2022