DEMON CLEANER-THE FREELIGHT(CD-MOLTEN RECORDS/BORDER) En svensk grupp som verkligen vet hur man skall få en person som mig alldeles snurrig med sin musik. De har väl lyssnat på sina konkurrenter i grupper som Monster Magnet och alla andra stonergrupper men Demon Cleaner lyckas i alla fall fånga mitt intresse i och med att de speedar upp vissa låtar och ibland låter riktigt punkiga. Minns ni en grupp som hette Loop(tror jag) så ni vet ni vad detta handlar om(SEX)  31/5-00 DEMON CLEANER-THE FREELIGHT(CD-MOLTEN RECORDS/BORDER) A swedish group which is really know how to make me dizzy with their music. They have listened to all their mates like Monster Magnet and all other stoner groups and does almost do the same thing. But Demon Cleaner can catch my interest for a longer time and that thanks to that they speed upp some songs and sometimes they sound really punkish. Do you remember a group called Loop(I think their name was so) so do you get an idea what´s this all about(SIX)  31/5-00