DAUGHTERS-CANADA SONGS(CD-REFLECTIONS RECORDSRFL 047) Riktigt roliga låtitlar som I slept with the daughters and all I got was this lousy song written about me, My stereo has mono and so does my girlfriend och A room full of Hard-ons and nowhere to sit down men musikaliskt kunde man kanske begärt lite mer för det är mest oväsen det handlar om eller snabb lite hafsig hardcore.  Inget som jag kommer att lyssna på så mycket men man kan ju inte få allt.(FEM) 19/2-04

DAUGHTERS-CANADA SONGS(CD-REFLECTIONS RECORDSRFL 047) Really fun with songtitles like I slept with the daughters and all I got was this lousy song written about me, My stereo has mono and so does my girlfriend and A room full of Hard-ons and nowhere to sit down but musically you could maybe have some better things because it´s more noise it´s all about or fast noisy hardcore and not so wellplayed. Nothing I will listen so much to but you can´t get everything.(FIVE) 19/2-04