It´s a little bit odd that the members are between 13 and
19 when the group started in 1996 and Manuel was very young when he got his
children about 8 years old ;-) Please tell me a little bit history of the group? The band was born in 1996, more or less… somehow we had to find a way to have fun! In 1999 we released our first self-produced album “Qualcosa accadrà…?” ("Something will happen ...") followed by “Nessuna cuara” (“No cure”) in 2001. This album was released in cooperation with Stupido Records (Italian division of Wynona Records). “Il cambio di stagione” (“Season’s change”) is our third album, out in 2006 and self-produced, again. In the meantime we gigged a lot, we drunk a lot, we had fun and we changed line formation twice… things that happen to all bands, but we are still here having fun and without earning one cent. We are working on the fourth album and we hope to find someone willing to help us on this project. I don’t know, is anyone reading?
Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Have you been in any other punkbands before? Ok, the band are: -Andrea, 18, vocals and bass, cohabits and has a 18-month-old daughter and a dog. He loves the Beatles, beer and pizza. He is not able to sing. He has also played in MivarPalace, a garage / punk band Italian. -Felix, 19, guitar and vocals, cohabits, no children. He likes music, eating well, good wine ... And he is the only “Razzo” who knows how to use a PC and speaks English. He is technology freak. He also played in MivarPalace. -Gricco, 17, guitar and vocals, cohabits, and has a 4-year-old daughter and a dog. He likes everything about party ... legally or illegally! He doesn’t know how to turn on a PC and he has problems with smartphones. Before Razzi Totali he played with Giuis, an excellent Italian hardcore melodic band. -Manuel, 13, cohabits and has two children,5 and 3-year-old. He likes to "relax" and is always pissed off. By the way, he is also a drummer (If it's true that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, then drummers are from Pluto. –Quoted from the movie “still Carzy”-.) ;)). Before the Razzi he played in Brecfast Bois (written like that, it’s not a mistake. Don’t ask me why ...), an Italian punk rock band. Ok, maybe I lied about ages ...
I can hear both Ramones , Queers and early 77-punk here? Am I right? Favorites from the past? Bho, Ramones not so much… more than other Queers (you are right) and Screeching Weasel in the first 2 album, but in the last one it’s a little bit more complicated. As favorites of course everyone I've just mentioned before, but also Clash, Beatles, Cure…and many many other.
Razzi Totali are you satisfied with the name? How did it came up? What does it mean? Which is the best bandname you know
It's a long story and I don’t think it would make sense
in other... btw it doesn’t mean anything. Honestly it’s not the best ever
name, but that’s it ... the coolest name ever, for me, is "Peawees", a great
punk / r’n’r Italian band. I do not know what it means, but it sounds
awesome. Also "The Cure" is not bad. What´s the best thing with playing live? The contact with people, people who sing your songs, sweat, energy, fun, beer ... and then you always meet nice people at concerts.
And where is best to play? And the worst place? The best places are the smaller, 200 people (even less), with a low stage, so when people start to move you get the microphone in your teeth. Where there is contact with funs, in fact. The worst are those that are too big, with huge stage where you never know what the hell to do ... then usually they make a mess with sounds on stage. However, the key thing that makes a cool gig is the contribution of audience, even they are 3000 or 3. Without that you can play in the best place in the world, but the result sucks.
How is to play this sort of music in Italy right now? It's hard ... but not only in punk rock, it's really hard to gig your own songs, in the sense that places where to perform are less and less, and tend to prefer fucking cover bands or fucking dj sets. Luckily there are still those who believe in the self-produced music, and provide the opportunity opportunity to gig.
How would you describe your music in three words? Simple, direct, genuine.
What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle? It's a word, and it has always been. Someone uses it to define a music genre, some to indicate a way of life, some to cover they are a bit lowlife ... it’s a long list ... I think one is punk inside, it is not necessary to have mohawk or to wear leather jacket to prove it, just live with a middle finger in the ass of life.
Listening to music on PC is terrible, mp3s are terrible ... well, they are easy, nothing to say about this, but it will never replace the pleasure of having something physical in hands, even if it's a CD, vinyl or tape. The charm of a booklet ... or just the fact to go to a gig and buy a record signed by the band. Unfortunately, many kids today do not care at all, they are interested in downloading and downloading again. To do what at the end?
How is it to live in Italy now? Politically? Italy in this moment really sucks, it’s literally a shit. We have deflation, companies are closing, no investments, one of the highest European youth unemployment rate, no money, high taxes but no services, the justice has biblical timing and the bureaucracy is a slot machine, our forecast to reach a good retirement is vain, corruption is everywhere. A huge wagon of greedy people who only think to keep their butt warm. Here corrupted and dishonest people are in parliament, rather than in jail. And those few who would like to change things are trapped in the system. And do you know what the worst part is? We will never get out of this! It's too rotten. We need a revolution ... but we are not French, so we'll never, because people are afraid of losing what little they have. But… everything’s OK, thanks
Is there any good bands from Italy now? Is the punkscene big? How is it in your hometown? Of course, we have plenty of good bands in Italy, even though I don’t see a real scene. So far I’ve seen people mind their own fucking business. Not all, of course, but the majority. Then there are factions, so if you're in you can do something, otherwise you remain at the margins. In Trento, where we are, there is nothing, so we are out of every important loops... hahaha!
What do you know about Sweden? The fjords (ah no that ones are in Norway), Ibrahimovic, Ikea, sauna (oh no that's Finnish, wtf), the ghost rider (is he still alive?) and beautiful blondes. We heard rumors you are always drunk and you neglected women, then Italians come and steal them!
Have you heard any good bands from Sweden? Satanic surfers, Millencolin, No fun at all, The Cardigans, Abba, Europe
Your lyrics, who does them and what
influences you? Why only in Italian?
Is there any subject that you never will write anything about? We promised from the beginning that we would have never written about policy, in the sense that we would never deployed by either side. For the rest, we talk about everything.
Politic and music, does it goes hand in hand? It depends. I am not found of politicized bands. One thing is to talk about social issues, other thing is to fight for a freaking ideology that drive you blind.
Best political band/artist? boh
Do you think that music(lyrics and so
on) can change anyones life, I mean people who listens to music?
Which is the biggest band you ever have
been playing together with?
Sure, it's nice to have something concrete in hand, to see your efforts recorded and finished off well, to put them in ordered on the shelf next to other cool stuffs ... they are also good memories when you get old.
Please tell me a funny thing which have happened during your career and under some gig? Once, the day after a concert (beautiful by the way), returning at home a bit battered, we were talking about the gig. Everyone was happy, especially Gricco and he said: "What a cool night! The best momento was when we did "Scoppiato" (one of our songs, ed)! Have you seen how they jump? "Er… Gricco, we didn’t play it yesterday ..."
"Really? It was my most vivid memory ... ". Usually
that’s the way it works ... hahaha! How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts? The audience is always more or less the same ... young punk rockers, old punk rockers ... but also a lot of normal people. We want more women, though. Beautiful, blond, alcoholic ... do you invite us in Sweden? ;)
Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews?? Especially this… how many questions??? Wtf, are we fucking rock stars?
If you could choose five bands from the
past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a
concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosen? -The Ramones -Screeching Weasel -Clash -Guns n roses
Is punk a good way to get out frustration and become a nice person outside the punk music?? No, I do not think but the music could in general. Writing a song is like letting off steam without killing anyone. But if you're an asshole, you remain an asshole also if you write songs.
What do you think of this and that. But it really matter to anyone? hahaha
Which is the question you want to have but you never get. Please ask it and answer it? -Why are there so many Ramones clones? And why is every punkrock band compared to Ramones?- Good question, my friend, I do not know, but I'm also a bit tired to listen bands that are photocopies of the Ramones, and are also called good. In Italy is full of those ones, don’t know in your country. Damn, ok, Ramones are the Punk rock, but if I want to listen to the Ramones I go for the originals ... wtf.
To record the forth LP, play live, have fun and get drunk as much as possible.
For yourself?
To be a good father …or a godfather Wisdomword? I’m not so wisdom to dispense wisdom.
Something to add? Rock on!