Painkiller Party is a really odd band which plays as I says Technohardcoredeathmetal. Anyway. Here´s an interview with them done in early april 2020.


Please tell me a little bit history of the group?

Painkiller Party: Josefine was looking for a bunch of boys for a gang bang but as it turned out everyone was able to play an instrument. And it didn‘t even sound that bad… So we decided to stay together.

Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Earlier bands? Other bands on the side?

Jenny Josefine Schulz: 34; My band is my family; I am a journalist for FUZE magazine; interests: lolli-pops, blowjobs, hula hoop and unicorns; something bad: I can be a dictator.

Christopher Schlüting: 21; I am a student; interests: music, anime, memes; something bad: I am lazy as fuck.

Grigori Haab: 34; My family still doesn‘t understand why I am who I am; I do not work, I rescue the company; interests: I tried a lot but music is what remained until today; something bad: negative

Max Schulze: 28; I work in healthcare; interests: gardening, cooking, playing video games; something bad: Hm, what did you say?

Noel Sommerkamp: 22; family: Painkiller Party; currently studying; interests: playing drums and guitar, Beetroot carpaccio, backstage sex; something bad: I look like an angel but I can get on your nerves as hell.

I can hear much different influences and I call your music technohardcoredeathmetal ? How about that?

Noel: More like deathcore instead of deathmetal?

Josefine: Technohardcoredeathcore? Sounds weird.

Max: Just call it electronicore.


Painkiller Party are you satisfied with the name? How did it came up? You weren’t afraid that some other band would be named like this? Which is the best bandname you know?

Josefine: I came up with the idea as it sounds catchy with the double-P and there aren‘t many other bands that only have one P in their name. Of course I was worried some other band might take it faster but luckily we were fast enough.

What´s the best thing with playing live?

Max: The sex backstage.

Josefine: Going places, being together with the boys, shouting at other people without shame

Noel: It‘s just like partying but even better because we party to our own music.

And where is best to play? And the worst place?

Noel: We like the small places due to the intimacy. ;)

Josefine: But that doesn‘t mean we don‘t like it big, too.

How is to play this sort of music in Germany right now? Which types of bands do you have concerts together with?

Josefine: In Germany, every subculture and every subgenre gets it stage which is amazing to be here. Unfortunately, our genre electronicore isn‘t very popular all over the world at the moment. :(

Noel: We mostly play with international hardcore, beatdown, metalcore bands due to the lack of other electronicore bands. Yet sometimes, we are lucky to share the stage with one.


How would you describe your music in three words?

Max: Elbow rubbing Sexcore

Noel: Unicorn Porn Core

Josefine: Gang Bang Partycore

What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle? I know that you don´t play punk but it is punky the style you do it?

Josefine: Definetely lifestyle! Or even more than that. Without punk, there would never have been a hardcore scene, so everything we are and do originates in punk.

Noel: We‘re so fucking true because we are what we do.

Josefine: Also, our band is not just making music together. It‘s not a hobby, it‘s our life. We are fully dedicated to it and everything that belongs to being a band.

Noel: I think you can even see how serious we take it. Without punk, there would never have been cool hair styles, haha!

Which song/album or group was it who took you into music and play yourself?

Josefine: I think all of us got into alternative music as children/teenagers but my dream of having an electronicore band evolved from listening to bands such as We butter the bread with butter who combined heavy music, electronics and funny lyrics.

Grigori: There was no album or group in particular but music itself which made me want to make music myself.

Max: I came to Painkiller Party because I wanted to fuck the vocalist.

Noel: I really learned to love the vocals in Eskimo Callboys‘ song „5$ Bitchcore“. They sound like an unemployed working-class douchebag who is drunk and aggressive because his girl left him. And also I love heavy music. :)

What shall a young guy do today to shock their parents as the way we did when we were young? They have already seen everything ?

Noel: Have they seen our music videos, haha?

Max: I feel it is not the right attitude you wish to shock anyone. Being yourself should not shock your parents. If you only intend to shock someone, you might not be true. ;)

Josefine: But unfortunately, being yourself is often enough the reason to shock someone...

How is it to live in Germany right now? Politically? Fascists? Now with Corona?

Max: Everyone but me sits at home, having fun, enjoying themselves. Yeah...

Is there any good bands from Germany right now? Is the punkscene/metalscene/hardcorescene big? How is it in your hometown?

Noel: Of course there are many good bands from Germany, especially in the genres mentioned. Just to name a few: Callejon, We butter the bread with butter, Caliban,…

Josefine: The flourishing scene life was one of my reasons to move to this town 10 years ago. Unfortunately, most clubs closed by now but the people are still around. I fear this happened worldwide within the last couple of years but I am confident things will change again.

What do you know about Sweden? Have you been here sometime?

Josefine: Jag har studerat skandinavistik, så kan jag prata svenska och har varit där av och till.

Have you heard any good bands from Sweden?

Josefine: I mean, Refused are iconic to the early screamo/post-hardcore scene, aren‘t they? I felt very proud when I was able to do an interview with Dennis Lyxzén once.

Noel: Also the indie scene was carried by a lot of Swedish bands such as Mando Diao or The Hives.

Josefine: As for punk, I like The Baboon Show. Their vocalist is tough.

Your lyrics, who does them and what influences you? Never in german?

Josefine: I do them and I get my inspiration from my One Night Stands and guys I get to know online, haha. I would write in German but somehow it hasn‘t occured so far.

Is there any subject that you never will write anything about?

Josefine: We only write about the cute and fun stuff in life because this is our way to bring joy to people who are busy fighting the un-cute and un-fun stuff in life.

Politic and music, does it goes hand in hand? Which is your most political song? Is it important to get out your opinions in music?

Josefine: In hardcore music, politics and music go a lot hand in hand yet we personally feel there is no obligation for it. Having „no“ message is also a message. Therefore, we do not have any political songs ourselves.

Noel: But of course it is important to stand up for our believes and opinions. Just not neccessarily in party music.

Best political band/artist?

Noel: My personal favourite is the German punk band Feine Sahne Fischfilet.

Josefine: There are indeed a lot of highly political punk and rap bands in Germany such as Egotronic or Waving the guns. And of course, all the older hardcore bands all over the world such as Minor Threat or Sick of it all are to be mentioned here.

Do you think that music(lyrics and so on) can change anyones life, I mean people who listens to music?

Noel: Of course it can. See what I said about „5$ Bitchcore“. There are way too few party people in this world.

Josefine: I hope people will read my lyrics and think: I am neither slim nor dolled up but I want to have gang bangs, too.  :)

Your favorite recordcover alltime? Who does your recordcovers? And do you have any good recordstores in your hometown?

Josefine: In general, I like it when cover and artwork belong together and are full of detail. Like the comic style in Dance Gavin Dance albums or the historical touch in Defeater‘s albums. Or the older Eskimo Callboy albums with a party guide and funny images of the band. This shows passion to me. Also, I want to have lyrics in the booklet.

Noel: I really like the artwork of the „If only you were lonely“ album by Hawthorne Heights where the instrumental version shows the girlfriend of the person who is pictured in the original cover. Also, I really like the mascot of I set my friends on fire which is a narwhale. On the „You can‘t spell slaughter without laughter“ album it replaces a unicorn.

Josefine: Our artwork is done by the Austrian graphic designer Markus Putz who did a great job. <3 As for the recordstores, as mentioned above, they all died out. At least in this place. There are still recordstores in other cities.

Is it important to get out physical records of your stuff? Why or why not? Vinyl, CD, cassette, what do you prefer if you could choose whatever ?

Max: For me, it is important to have something in your hands. It‘s a nice feeling.

Josefine: Yes, for me this is incredibly important as I do not stream at all. I want to own music. Also, it is a haptic experience to both listen to the music and read the lyrics at the same time, both discover the artwork and turn pages with your own hands. My very favourite is vinyl because the whole process of putting the vinyl on the plate is a haptic experience, too.

Noel: I personally think it is also very important to put out music on streaming services so people all over the world can easily try out the music without the hustle of ordering a physical copy. That said, if you want to get the full experience and quality you have to buy a CD or vinyl. Streaming doesn‘t get you the beautiful artworks or booklets and at least for me, this is an important part of music consumption.

Please tell me a funny thing which have happened during your career and under some gig?

Max: We have 24/7 party.

Noel: Yes, and that‘s why there are always a lot of funny things happening. We get a lot of weird faces from seemingly boring people…

Josefine: I‘d like to highlight our roadie+ here. Luka is our DJ on the way to our shows. And yes, he is also the singer at the same time...

How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts? Which is the biggest band you ever have played together with?

Max: Guys who slap each other with inflatable dicks.

Grigori: We need more guys who slap each other with inflatable dicks.

Please rank your five favoriterecords, five favoriteconcerts and five most important things in life?

Josefine: 1. We butter the bread with butter – Der Tag an dem die Welt unterging, 2. Eskimo Callboy – Bury me in Vegas, 3. Chelsea Grin – Desolation of Eden, 4. Suicide Silence – The Cleansing, 5. Dance Gavin Dance – Artificial Selection; I was on soooo many concerts… Maybe Suicide Silence/To the Rats and Wolves/Caliban in December 2016 when I broke my bones in the moshpit; 1. Music, 2. Sex, 3. Food, 4. Hairspray, 5. My home

Chris: 1. Avenged Sevenfold – City of evil, 2.-5. There are too many good albums; 1. Avenged Sevenfold 2019, Slipknot 2015, Heaven shall burn 2016

Noel: 1. Eskimo Calboy – Bury me in Vegas, 2. Pleymo – Episode 2: Medicine Cake, 3. We butter the bread with butter – Das Monster aus dem Schrank, 4. Suicide Silence – The Cleansing, 5. Faber – I fucking love my life; To be honest, I have not visited that many concerts but my favourite so far was definetly the To the rats and wolves/Eskimo Callboy concert in March 2018 where I celebrated my birthday. Also, I met Josi there for the first time, long before I joined the band… ;) The next best thing would be to have an own concert on my birthday but sadly this dream got cancelled this year due to the corona outbreak; 1. Music, 2. Sex, 3. Breathing, 4. My Teddy bear, 5. Sleep;

First, last and most expensive record ever bought?

Josefine: First: Oasis – What‘s the story, morning glory, last: Dance Gavin Dance – Afterburner (pre-ordered)

Max: First: Die Prinzen – Alles nur geklaut, last: Dance Gavin Dance – Afterburner (pre-ordered)

Noel: First: Donots – Coma Chameleon, last: Polyphia – Renaissance

Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews?

Noel: We are always happy about honest interest in us and our music.

Do you care about reviews? Which is the most peculiar you ever had, with this band or any other band you have been to?

Josefine: I think everyone is interested in what media and press tells about them. In our case, we always have to giggle when a review states huge confusion like „What is this I am listening to? What are they doing? Are they being serious about it?“

Which bands do people compare you to, is it boring that people compare you to other bands or is it understandable?

Josefine: We are often compared to We butter the bread with butter which is an honour to us. Also, many people see resemblance to the early Eskimo Callboy which is also nice to hear.

Noel: And Enter Shikari and Emmure! But it‘s understandable that people compare newer bands with older bands as people often tend to seek references for a newer sound.

If you could choose five bands from the past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosen?

Max: We butter the bread with butter, Horse the band, Jake loves space, We came as romans, Chelsea Grin with their former vocalist Alex Koehler.

Is music a good way to get out frustration and become a nicer person outside the music??

Max: Well, music can help me get my thoughts cleared up, so I feel relaxed.

Which is the most odd question you ever have got in an interview?

Josefine: If unicorns would like to listen to our music and why. :)

Which is the question you want to have but you never get. Please ask it and answer it?

Painkiller Party: Doesn‘t it suck to get the third platinum record in a row?

Futureplans for the band?

Painkiller Party: The fourth platinum record in a row.

For yourself?

Josefine: Seriously, I AM Painkiller Party, so all I want is many, many happy and hopefully successful years ahead.

Max: Always to be a part of Painkiller Party.

Noel: I want music to be not only my life but also my well paid profession, such that I can be a full time musician. And also I hope the quarantine ends soon, I‘m missing the gigs.


Noel: Think with your head, act with your heart and fuck with your dick.

Something to add?

Painkiller Party: Thank you for having us. :)