It took a while for the german group Nierenstein to answer my questions. But at last ….here it is…september 2022


Please tell me a little about the history of the group and the members right now. Age, family, bands before and on the side

-Hello Peter, first of all we want to thank you for the invitation to the interview!

We, 4 guys from Dresden, aged between 31 and 33, founded the band Nierenstein in spring 2018. Fred (vocals) and Benni (bass) played together in the band A!Sexuell from 2014 to 2017. After the band broke up, the two wanted to continue making music and so met Robert (drums), who had played in the band Crackpot Idea several years ago. Marcus (guitar) happened to leave his former metal band at that time and joined the other 3 guys. He also plays in the hardcore band Hollow Grind.


Have it been many lineup changes?

-No, there have been no member changes since the band was founded.


Nierenstein, how did that name come up? What does it mean? You were never afraid that another band already was called so?

-During the name search Robert was in the hospital with a kidney stone (ger. Nierenstein) and wrote us that he can pee and eat at the same time. We were fascinated and named the band after the disease. Before adapting the band name, we checked it and luckily found no other band with the same name.


Is it still important to release physical records? Or can you feel that you have done a record if you only release it digitally?

-We find physical records very important, burned both our demo and album as selfmade DIY CDs and released our album as vinyl with the 3 great labels SM Musik, Elb Power Rec. and Kotzbrocken Rec. With the exception of fundraising samplers, we would not release any songs digitally only.


You have never been to Sweden and played or? If you not have when do you come?

-Unfortunately, none of us has been in Sweden (except for Benni, who had an overnight airport stay in Stockholm)...but we would be very happy about an invitation!


Which countries have had the pleasure to be hearing the band live?

-All of our concerts, except for one concert in the Czech Republic, have been in Germany so far.


When you do songs, how do you do, are you jamming together or do someone comes with a lyric and some with the music or how do you do your songs?

-Usually we start with the instrumental parts of the song. Most of the time one of us brings specific song ideas, which are then developed together, part by part, by the three of us. Fred then writes the lyrics either during or after rehearsals.


It seems like your lyrics are important, is there anything you not will write a song about?

-The main focus of our songs is on the social and political issues that are important to us, such as corruption, racism, pollution, etc... A topic that we would never make a song about would be, for example, soccer teams. But there are certainly many other topics that would fall into this category.


Please tell me a little about the following lyrics

-Sommer, Sonne, Punkrock:

This song is about our love for punk rock festivals, like the Störfaktor Festival in Zwickau, the Resist to Exist in Berlin or the Check Out Festival in Gahro. We feel these as vacations where we see old friends and meet new ones.


The song criticizes advertising in capitalism, which is aimed solely at making the biggest possible profits at any sacrifice. Already from childhood, advertising plays a very large role and educates young people so that brands are more important than social values.


Spielplatzkrieg is about our youth. We all grew up in villages or small towns, skateboarded, drank beer and smoked, and rebelled against authority.


How is it to live in Germany nowadays, racists, politics, covid etc?

-Fortunately, we cannot complain about our personal life (as people born in Germany) in general, because we always have something to eat, no war and a good social system. Nevertheless, we disagree with and condemn many political decisions of the German government. We did have a change of government this year, from which we expected a more social policy, but unfortunately we have been rather disappointed so far. The AFD, a radical right-wing party is currently in second place in our state of Saxony with 28.4% of the vote, which of course causes us great concern. Covid time was very hard. We had to isolate ourselves, couldn’t meet our friends and had no rehearsals and concerts.


Are you calling yourself a punkband, hardcoreband, metalcoreband or just call you a rockband? Is it important to mention punk in the same time you talk about your band? What is your thoughts about punk when you started and if you compare with punk today?

-We call ourselves a punk band. Although we incorporate different styles of music, such as metal or hardcore into our songs, we see this more as an important part of the often lacking variety in punk rock. We think that punk has become much more political for us, in contrast to the early days. In the past, drinking and partying were very often in the foreground. Nowadays, that's still part of the scene for us, but a much smaller one.


Beer is expensive in Sweden. I have a very big interest in beer and brew myself? Your favourite beerstyle ? You don´t have an own Nierenstein-beer? Or maybe your straightedge?

-We're very sorry that beer is so expensive in Sweden, I guess we're lucky in Germany. If we had to choose a favorite beer as a band, it would be Sternburg Export from Leipzig. Currently there is no Nierenstein beer, but maybe Sternburg will release a special edition sometime. 😉


Is there any thought on a new LP/CD or something like that?

-Already since the completion of Human Error we have used the concert-free time during the Corona crisis to work on new songs. We hope to continue making good progress and hopefully release our 2nd LP on vinyl in 2024.


What is your strength when you play live?

-We love being on stage and getting our political messages through. For this reason, we consider announcements on stage to be very important and feel that this is our greatest strength.


Which type of people comes to your concerts? Which type of people do you miss?

-Most of our audience comes from the hardcore/punk/metal scene, but we would like to have more teenagers and female audience.


Do you buy much records, or is it only Spotify and those type of things to listen to music?

-Several band members have a record player and collect vinyls that they buy at concerts or get in exchange with other bands. At the same time we use Spotify, Youtube and .mp3 files.


Are you selling any merch on your gigs, do people buy it?

-We sell self-printed fairtrade/fairwear clothes (t-shirts, longsleeves and zippers) and patches, self-burned CDs and our vinyl records. Merch is actually bought regularly at our concerts. Since our concert last Tuesday we don't have any black t-shirts anymore....


Which is your own favorite song among your own songs? And which song is the people choice?

-Every member of the band has his personal favorite song, of course, but actually the newest songs are always the dearest 😉

According to Spotify, Linksversiffte Gutmenschen is the favorite song of our listeners. At concerts it always depends on the audience, but fast pogo parts certainly have advantages there.


What´s the biggest difference when you plays live nowadays if you compare when you first started to play in a band? Or is this your first band maybe?

-We have definitely become tighter and more confident (both in dealing with the audience and our instruments). This also makes it much easier for us to engage with the audience and have more fun on stage. And without jitters, the announcements have also become much more secure and variable.


Do you care about reviews? Which is the most peculiar you ever had, with this band or any other band you have been to?

-Of course we like it when reviews are written about our music and we like to read reviews. We are happy about positive feedback and we learn from negative feedback. But in the end it's not about a specific opinion, it's about having fun with the music you write and play live. And no, so far (we are very curious about yours) there was not a weird one.


If you could choose five bands from the past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosen?

-We would like to play with Fahnenflucht, Toxoplasma, Slipknot, System of a Down and Pennywise.


Is music a good way to get out frustration and become a nicer person outside the music?

-We think it's a good way for a lot of people to get rid of frustrations. Through music and the concerts that come with it, you maybe meet new people with whom you can have thought-provoking conversations, reflect on yourself and become a better person for yourself.


What shall a young guy do today to shock their parents as the way we did when we were young? They have already seen everything?

-Sure, they've seen it all, but with your own child it's definitely something else. So: shave your mohawk, dye your hair, shred your clothes, drink beer in public and listen to punk rock!



Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews? What do you prefer Telephoneinterviews, face to face or as this one via e-mail?

-So far we haven't had that many interviews (I think this is just our second) and it's not boring yet either, because it makes you reflect. We like both so far, but would like to have a face to face interview in the near future.


You sing only in german or how is it?

-Yes, we sing only in German, because we can express ourselves best that way.


Any Swedish bands you like

-Yeah, for example we like The Baboon Show, Millencolin, Anchor, Victims and Misconduct.



-Merke Dir Sternburg Bier” (engl. Remember Sternburg beer)


Something more to add?

-Thanks for your interview request, we're really looking forward to your review (and the invitation to Sweden)!