This is a compilation of the answers given by 3 members of the band, Beaker (singer), Paul (guitar) and Gaz (drums). Andy the bassist didn’t think he had been in the band long enough to answer the questions.
History Lowlife UK formed in late 1995 as a result of a daft idea Beaker and Cat (original bassist) had whilst pissed up one Saturday night. After finding some other idiots, who wanted to play the pubs in Bradford for the promise of free ale and maybe £20 for a curry, the first line up made a demo tape in August 1996. 4 drummers, 3 bassists, 2 guitarists and 1 American tour later we are still here. We have 2 albums available from ourselves and are currently practicing new songs for a new album which we hope to have finished by Autumn 2004. The current line up is probably the most stable we have had in many years and so far this year we have played more gigs than ever before.
Band Members etc. Beaker, singer, 34, divorced. Interests are drinking, drives a van for a living, bad thing is he’s a chronic masturbator.
Paul, guitarist, 35 going through a divorce, 2 brothers, 1 daughter, work for an electrical retailer. Interests are, drinking, smoking when I’m drunk, music, porn and more drinking. Bad thing is not being able to read the set list properly after a couple of beers.
Gaz, drummer, 30, single, 1 sister, work in sound installation. Interests are, skateboarding, playstation, music and having a good wank. Bad ting is I can’t write a straight tune any more.
Previous Bands etc. Beaker: - Stax Wheelwright (ska/punk) Paul:-Auto Da Fe (80’s punk rock), F.U.E.L. (rock covers) Lemon Enema (90’s punk rock) Gaz: - That Man There (straightforward indie-pop), Voorhees (pretty widely renowned hardcore), Idiot Box (quirky rock). Also slowly recording myself as Mission to Mars (angsty indie rock)
Why the U.K. after the name Beaker, The U.K. stands for ‘Ugly Kunts’ and it’s not from the 4-skins song. Paul, There is a hip-hop collective called Lowlife based in Brighton over here in the U.K. so we put it there to avoid getting a cap in our ass. Gaz, it stands for ‘Unlicensed Killers’
Do you count yourselves as a skinhead band etc. We’re just 4 working class lads, playing loud, obnoxious music and singing about life. Beaker is the only skinhead in the band but that’s because he’s bald rather than choice. If the skinheads like us all the better but we tend to keep out of any political stance.
What do you know about Sweden At this point Gaz wrote an essay on the Swedish economy and how by staying neutral throughout the 20th century it has achieved an enviable standard of living. Seeing as I’m (Paul) typing this in I can’t be bothered to put it all in so the answers are: - It’s cold and expensive, Sven Goran Errikson, it’s abroad, you eat meatballs and all your women are beautiful and are nymphomaniacs.
Have you heard any Swedish bands worth a mention Blisterhead, Bombshell Rocks, Anti-Cimex, Entombed and not forgetting ABBA and Roxette.
Favourite bands in England Beaker, Dead Pets, 3CR, Wizards Sleeve, Argy Bargy Paul, Cock Sparrer, Dead Pets, Goldblade, 3CR, Argy Bargy, Cockney Rejects, The Damned.. The list is endless. Gaz, Cardiacs, Oceansize, 3CR, Argy Bargy.
When do we do the best music, when you´re happy or angry etc The best songs are ones that happen by accident or ones that come together really quickly. Sometimes during rehearsals things just seem to fit together and end up being new songs. It helps if we’re sober.
Are people who play this sort of music more violent etc. Not these days, most of the older punks and skins have got families and have grown up and the young kids don’t seem to cause any bother as they are too soft the little shits!! There are arseholes in all walks of life not just the punk scene and it usually the Friday night types who you have to watch out for.
Describe your music in three words Beaker & Paul, Loud, Proud, Drunk Gaz, Hardcore rock thanks
Which is the best music to terrorise with Beaker: - a) Aphex Twin b) AC/DC c) Johnny Cash d) The Ramones Paul: - a) Opera b) Motorhead c) depends on my mood but it could range from classical to Napalm Death d) Macc Lads or Chas n Dave Gaz:- a) The J.B.’s b) music is irrelevant at that point c) Classic FM d) The J.B.’s
Where do you get the inspiration for your lyrics. Life! It’s just things that happen around us in everyday life. Drinking, women, fighting, getting shit off your boss etc, etc.
What is the oddest thing that has happened during your time as a band Beaker: - meeting the smallest dominatrix in the U.S. She was 3’11” and fucking scary. I cried like a bitch Paul: - some bloke from Sweden got in touch for an interview or failing that going to Brighton for an album launch only to find the album hadn’t been pressed Gaz: - staying in an old house in Holyhead after a gig in Wales, not so much odd as unexpected
How does a Lowlife UK fan look like. Backwards. A cross between punk/skin, football hooligan and village idiot. A banjo player (remember the Burt Reynolds film Deliverance?)
How is a good gig with you Beaker, all gigs are good. If it’s badly organised it can be a pain though, a really good gig usually involves a pair of large breasts Paul, when I remember what I’m supposed to be playing and when we get lots of abuse from the crowd. Gaz, When I’m not fighting the drumkit to play well and when people are shouting abuse at us
Politics and Music, does it go hand in hand Yes but only if you want it to and not when it’s preached to you and forced down your throat. Lowlife aren’t political in the traditional sense but the politics of our music are more of a working class thing as opposed to any particular party.
What did you think when the terrorists attacked USA? If you mean Sept 11th it hasn’t really changed a thing, the Americans will still do whatever they want to no matter what anyone says or does. It was upsetting though to think 3000 people lost their lives because of their country’s imperialistic foreign policies throughout the world.
Please rank your 5 favourite records/concerts/most important things in life RECORDS Beaker a) AC/DC-Highway to Hell b) Agnostic Front-Victim in Pain c) Motorhead-Live at Hammersmith d)Ramones-It’s Alive e) Bad Brains-Rock for Light
Paul a) The Blood-False Gestures for a Devious Public b) Cock Sparrer-Shock Troops c) Cockney Rejects-Greatest Hits Volume 2 d) The Damned- Machine Gun Etiquette e) The Misfits-American Psycho
Gaz a) Sunny Day Real Estate-How it Feels to be Something b) Cardiacs-Sing to God c) Clutch-Elephant Riders d) Hoover-The Lurid Traversal of Route e) Soundgarden-Superunknown
CONCERTS Beaker a) GWAR-Leeds 1985 b) Dead Pets-Leeds 204 c) Conflict-Leeds 1985 d) Circle Jerks-Nottingham 1987 e) AC/DC-Manchester
Paul a) Sex Pistols-Finsbury Park 1996 b) The Misfits-Bradford 1996 c) The Cramps-Reading Festival 1990 d) The Dead Kennedys-Leeds Polytechnic 1983 e) Dead Pets-CBGB’s 2004
Gaz a) Cardiacs-London 2003 b) The Fire Theft- London 2003 c) Flaming Lips-Sheffield 2003 d) Voorhees gigs before I joined them e) Dave Gorman (comedian)
THINGS IN LIFE Beaker a) Family b) Friends c) Health d) Drink e) Porn
Paul a) My daughter b) Friends and Family c) knowing someone cares about you( HI KAZ!!!) d) being happy e) being healthy
Gaz a) Being special to someone b) having something to look forward to other than work c) doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do d) giving a damn e) not being a cunt
First, last and most expensive record in your collection Beaker, First- Barron Knights- A Taste of Aggro. Last- Ding Dong Denny O’Reilly-Publocked Most expensive- AC/DC-Bonfire Box Set
Paul, First- Ian Dury and the Blockheads-Hit me With Your Rhythm Stick Last- The Misfits/Balzac-split c.d. single (the day the earth caught fire) Most expensive- Misfits Box Set
Gaz, First- One 2 One 7” Last- Retisonic-Return to Me Most expensive- The J.b.’s Anthology c.d.
The Most embarrassing record in your collection Beaker- A Taste of Aggro-the Barron Knights
Paul- Where do I start? How about ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’ (from Mary Poppins) or ‘Oliver’ the original soundtrack
Gaz- I’m not embarrassed about any of them
When you’re on tour what do you do to pass the time Beaker- Drive the Bus!!! Paul- Sleep, eat, drink, sleep some more and groupies (I wish) Gaz- put batteries in the clock, go to sleep, talk absolute nonsense until sleep kicks in
Which is the record which must be in the tour bus, the record you can’t live without Beaker- Slayer-Reign in Blood Paul- Macc Lads-Beer and Sex and Chips and Gravy Gaz- Depends on who’s driving, if it’s me the it’ll be a Clutch minidisk
Any favourite web sites you must recommend to us Beaker- www.lowlifeuk.co.uk Paul- www.punkoiuk.co.uk or www.thehun.net Gaz- The Onion
Is it many interviews, is it boring Beaker- is it fuck Paul- I’m sick to death of doing interviews, the endless autograph signing, the screaming fans. It’s a hard life being a rock star Gaz- Oh yes I feel like a regular film star a lot of the time, answering the same questions day in day out. What a fucking bind.
Which is the question you never get asked please ask it and answer it
Beaker- Q. Can we give you this cheque for a million pound? A. Er….. Go on then
Paul- Q. Do you want to stick it in trap 2? A. Maybe later, I’ve got a gig to do
Gaz- Q. Do you want to go somewhere quiet with me? Would you like me to go down on you? How did you get to be such a fantastic drummer? A. Yes. A. Yes. A. ?
Future plans for the band To play as many gigs as possible, worldwide, to record and release a new album by the autumn, 10 year anniversary next year and to see if we can get Gaz laid!!
For yourself Beaker- Don’t have none, see what comes
Paul- To stop being paranoid about things I should know better (hi again KAZ!!), to be able to leave my job and maintain my rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle and to continue being the only guitarist in punk rock that looks like Johnny Vegas
Gaz- Thanks for asking! I’d like to get a better job with some realistic prospects and I’d like to practice my drums a lot more. I’d also like to be able to buy a house
Wisdom word Beaker- What goes around, comes around
Paul- Don’t put your cock near a dog’s mouth when you’ve got hold of its bollocks
Gaz- One man’s corpse is another man’s feast. Everyone’s got friends but it’s what you’re like to strangers that really counts. You get nothing in this game for less than 3 in a bed
Something to add Beaker- Bummers are deaf
Paul 2+2
Gaz- Are you going to sort us out with a Swedish tour then?