Loke is something so ”terrible” as  a fan to the local concurrent ÖIS but his a really good poet and a singer/songwriter too. It was for those facts I interviewed him as the first interview in 2008. Do you manage to get hold of his records so don´t think twice …..


Please tell me  a little about yourself, age, interests, family and so on

- I am Loke, UndergroundSongs general. 30 years. 197 cm. I’m from Dalarna from the beginning but I have lived in Gothenburg the latest 10 years. I have a father and one mother, four sisters and one brother. On my spare time I`m interested of alternative culture(it will say cultures outside the expected and the institutional), poker, football, streetmusic, parties and travels in Sweden. But I’m interested in a lot more things. In work after the principle to be knowing a little about everything.   


Any bands before?

-I started to play in a band already as a twelve year boy. We was really tough, we liked the devil and we had rituals in my neighbour Jon Hållmarkers garage. NCA was the first band named and it sounded of course like trash. We started to play punk in the band Plogvägen. I also did a shorter time in the blackmetalband  Arckanum which are really big in that style today. I continued into high school in the band Il Cattivo which played ambitious tequila-rock. And when I came to Gothenburg so came I after a while into the the band POST which still exists but we´re stucked in the same time and place as for 8 years ago. And then we started the folkmusicpunkband Räfven which have become very big and bigger than we ever wanted. We release a new record the 8th of april


You do lyrics which not is like any other ones? What are you being compared with? I have parallelles to Demian and Sundström?  

- I´m often compared to Demian and sometimes(horrible thought) with Björn Rosenström. I think it´s a little bit wrong. Shall you have parallells to ther lyricwriters so must I say  that Dan Berglund, Jocke Thåström, Karl Gerhard and the comicwriter Martin Kellerman (Rocky) is nearer.


Bellman isn´t anything you have had any thoughts of doing?

- Have definitely have thoughts about doing Bellman. Have listened a lot to Fred Åkerströms ”Till Carl-Michael” and have a smaller Bellman-repertoire myself. But it have never been so much with this because I put my focus on my own songs.


Do you do any covers otherwise? Which if you do? Why if you don´t do any?  

- I on ly plays my own material on my concerts. I see myself as an artist and it´s really unusual with bands or artists in other styles which plays covers. After-ski or Ibizatroubadour have never been my thing and I don´t think I would be so good at it. I could think about doing some lesser established friend songs live. I have been thinking of doing Ola Sandströms  ”Heligt Krig” bu the does it so good himself so I haven´t dared yet.


You support ÖIS after what I understand(Me myself support GAIS a lot). You don´t show this in your lyrics?  

- I´m too footballinterested for my own health. It takes a lot of space and energy and so can´t you have it when you´re  an independent cultureworker. Very little amount of people in my audience share my fanatics and even lesser support the same team as me and then it feels really uninteresting to do that from the stage. But I have done a pure supportrecord  for ÖIS and those songs I have done both on the pub and on Valhalla IP. I must say that supporters as an audience is really enthusiastic audience(anyway the one who supports ÖIS).  


Do you go and watch the games? Why did it went the way it did for ÖIS this year?

- I go as often that I can and I also go to the matches which is away if I have the chance. Why it went the way it did , we can beat the best team away(Bajen 06) and the make a loss agaisnt the team which is even more losers than us(Öster the same year), win 5 matches in a row and then lose 7 matches in a row , the reason to that is that God hates me. And that´s the same reason that I must work double as hard as other to be a millionaire on poker, No I´m only joking, there´s surely a lot of reasons why it have gone this way. I think myself that it is the lack of continuity and the teams poverty


It said like this Blåvitt is disco, GAIS is rock n roll….was is then ÖIS?  

- I don´t see Blåvitt as disco. I think more of Blåvitt as the sound which is on the textpicture on TV. Or like karaoke. GAIS is maybe old mens rock or eddie Meduza-covers but ÖIS is a meeting between  Beethovens ”An die Freude”, Dead Kennedys, Red Army Menschoir and Sahara Hotnights. Unique, big, beautiful and really hurtful in the same time.( You can notice that this guy is like me….fanatic, ;-))


Back to the lyrics…from where do you get your inspiration?

- I pick up the inspiration from my own life. I feel directly if I´m upset or touched by anything and really fast after that I want to write a song about that. I have been more political in things in my songs and that is much thanks too Maud Lindström (Gaisare btw). It´s not so often or maybe not documentarys about my life , it´s more dramatics about things which have happened to me or something i  my nearest, I write never about anything I don´t have any relation to. And that´s why I don´t will write anything about Pakistans opinionleader Buttu even if it touched me. 


Who is Swedens best lyricwriter except yourself?

- I´m mbest at the things I do but not the best. I don´t know who is best but among the Swedish lyrics I think that Ola Sandströms ”Heligt Krig”, Christina Kjellsons ”Cirkus”, Lars Winnerbäcks ”Tvivel”, Cornelis ”Grimas om morgonen”, Demians ”Alkohol”, Jenny Almsenius ”Din sista sång” and. …a whole lot of other songs is good. It will be enough so.    


Could you imagine yourself doing a really banal lyric? Which is the most banal you have done?  

- I try to not have any borders when I write. I don´t care if I become pathetic, sentimental or banal. The only thing must be that I like it myself and the it could been cliché or not. I have a song which is called Klyschan(The cliché) and that´s maybe the most banal I have done. I don´t really know.  


Your relation to punk?

- Punk is the only groupidentity I have felt that I have been a part of. During my hard, hard last time in ground school it was a save for me and I still see myself as a punk even if the definition have been changed a lot since 93.


It was something I read about a priest on your website? Please tell me?  

- As th elittle child I was I hade a beleiving in God and I prayed every night. But I felt that I had to put my destiny somewhere else and became a more agnostic type already in the lower school. Today I only pray when it´s penalty or all-in situation and then I pray to Allah of some reason.


How do you think musiclife in Sweden is right now? Favouritegroup/artist?  

- Musicsweden is a tragedy. I hope that is lesser schlager now after The Arks fasco but it have been so much emdia on industrial pop that you almost not have the guts to sneeze about it. I´m not so much into popularmusic and I almost listen only to my mates band. Kultiration, Lyxbabian and Lucas Stark is some of these favoruites.


Politics and music, does it goes hand in hand?

- Absolutely. I must say that the most of my lyrics is political. Politics is so much more than how you vote or think in special questions. My attitude against people around is a political way to handle things. Many of my lyrics is about the consciousness about your own prejudices or lack of respect to other human beings. That I think is really political. But the idea to write songs straight down that says that sexistic men are stupid, the conservatie is evil, nazis are wrong I think is meaningless. Then you sing only for the people who thinks the same as you and that doesn´t be so much reaction on that.  


Is it many interview, is it boring?

-I love interviews in all formats. It could be the double. The only boring thing is when they write another thing than the things you have said. Once you can think that I was a rightwing Sverigedemokrat after being wrong when they wrote about it. Those things are boring.  ¨


Do you feel like many things have been changed after the election? To the better or worser for you?  

- Me and my audience have our secret releationship under ground and what happens on the other side doesn´t affect so much on us. But we know that it have been worser and worser for freelancemusicians because the government have taken down benefits for example for   MCV and MIV. And then is the unemployentrules worser than ever but it doesn´t affect me because I have given up to get the chance for any benefits.  


How do you see on mp3 and downlaoding?

- I think that downlaoding is good if you see it from the listener and that they pay for what they get and iof they like it. I have been have much help that my audience to friends to them and then have they bought records from me. Now it´s up to us producents to find new way to get paid for our music. The CD is dying and we cannot say that the youth which not have a CD-player must buy records. But the people who thinks that music should be for free really mad because they don´t know how the musicians work or the branch is.  


Is it something you do for yourself? If you do in which purpose

- NO! I don´t download anything. I play poker on the net. It´s a shame.


Please rank your five favouriterecords, five favouriteconcerts and five most important things in  life?

- Records: 1: Thåströms solodebut. 2: KSMB, SardjentPepper 3: Dan Berglund. En järnarbetares visor 4: Minestry, Psalm 69 5: Sjostakovic Cellokonsert nr 1 i F-moll

Concerts: 1: Hedningarna on Kåren, 2: Slayer on Hultsfred, 3: KSMB on Bergslagsrocken, 4: Napalm Death on Bergslagsrocken, 5: Räfven on Oceanen (My violin break up during the gig so I went out in the audience instead and shit how good we were) Most imprtant things in life: Yeah, would I know that it have been really simple here on earth. But for me it´s important to be in a sureg of joy, not chemical) be okey with ypureslf, loning after things, feel free and safe and loike other people. But there´s a lot of things you must do to reach up there.


First,last and most expensive record ever bougth?

- My first record was Sepulturas ”Schizofrenia”, the latest was Gogol Bordellos ”Gypsy Punk” and the most expensive record I don´t know. Have never paid more than 200 for a record.  


Most embarrassing record in your collection?

- I have some bad punkrecords from the 90´s but it´s most embarrassing for the ones who have the shit.


What´s the best and what´s the worst with Gothenburg? From where do you come from the beginning?

- Best with Gothenburg  is all nice people from other parts of the country and they have moved here because they have heard that this is a nice city. It´s those people who make the city to a nice city. Worst is the collectivetraffic. I´m born and raised in Dalarna but I´m not home so often nowadays.


Futureplans with the music?

- I will try to get some bigger gigs with the band. We´re 7 persons totally and the music will be another when were the whole band than when I stand on stage and do it for myself with only the guitar. Stick Fingers topfloor I February-march is the nearest. And then I will go to places I haven´t been on before and especially Norrland there I am underrepresented. And then we will go to more festivals than before. And then I will try to do three more project during the spring. One of the thing is occult lullabies for grown ups. The second is translations of the former-Yugoslavia biggest singer/songwriter Bekim Gasi. Then I will write a musical which is hopefully is going in Gothenburg this autumn.


As a person?

- I will be more organzied and concentrated. I have a whole row of promises from the new year and the most of them it´s about mental and physic form. And then I will meet a lot of funny persons around the country and will be coming in unexpected mad situations. That´s always my goal.  


How will ÖIS be 2008 in Superettan and GAIS in The Premier division 2008?  

- ÖIS will be on the second place in Superettan and Häcken wins and the will be promoted to The Premier League. GAIS will beat Örebro, Trelleborg, Ljungskile and maybe Sundsvall.



- You can´t hug each other on Facebook.


Something to add?

-Thanks for a nice interview.