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Les Chardons is a new French group which sounds really interesting. And here we get an interview with them. November -2014

Please tell me a little bit history of the group?

-It’s all a story of music… I used to play bass and I just left Niveau Zero. I’ve been thinking of creating my own band for a long time. I asked Ludo, a friend of mine who was composing music on his own, if he was interested by the challenge… The musical compositions emerged one after another, and then, I decided to write my own lyrics and to sing, just to see… Finally, Gilles joined us to play bass, Ben (a friend of mine for 20 years who plays guitar) and then it all started …
After a first period of concerts, the original lineup was deeply modified: Ben H played guitar again, Mister Ben played bass and Arnaud played drums.

Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone?

-We are 4 30-something, coming from the Grande Région, in the north-east of France, united by our passion for high-energy and motivating rock music … Well, something nasty… Ben Hammantis thinks there’s nothing wrong to say about Ben H lol … Arnaud’s problem is his IKEA square drums, Ben C’s beard is always full of skorpor crumbs and, when on stage NaB K confuses his beer can with his microphone ….

Les Chardons…what does it mean?

-Chardons are stinging perennials that can grow in very poor soil, but they give beautiful purple flowers. Chardons are one of the symbols of Lorraine, the region where we live in France.

Are you only sing in french?

-Yes, but maybe one day, we may write lyrics in another language.

What´s the best thing with playing live?

-The energy and power that people add to music… and beer…

And where is best to play?

-Small “rock ‘n’ roll” café concert with a real proximity to people.

How is it to play this sort of music in France?

-It’s not so easy, there are very few places to perform. Punk rock is definitively not the most popular style of music, currently.


How would you describe your music in three words?

-Energy, rock and freedom

What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

-Freedom full of energy… for music or life

How do you see on downloading, mp3 and that stuff?

- and soundcloud

How is it to live in France now? Politically?

-We don't care about politics, we just enjoy life as much as possible.

Is there any good bands from France? The old bands Komintern Sect, Trotskids, kidnap etc?

-There are lots of “old” bands that are still active (Parabellum, Charge 69 etc…) and some new bands we discover from time to time… They are too many to be mentioned and we wouldn’t like to forget part of them.

What do you know about Sweden?

-Beautiful landscapes and a great country to live in. We hope that maybe one day we’ll come and visit your country.

Have you heard any good bands from Sweden?
-No, to be honest, but you awakened our curiosity

Your lyrics, who does them and what influences you?

-NaB K writes the lyrics. He usually writes about life in general and freedom

Do you do any covers when you play live, which(if you do) ?
-No, no cover for now, we just like creation.

Politics and music, does it goes hand in hand?

-No, we are all musicians, the only message in our lyrics is “Enjoy your life”

Do you think that music(lyrics and so on) and change anyones life)I mean people who listens to music)?

-Sometimes, some lyrics can give you something to think about

Is it important to release your records as “real” records?

-The most important thing is to share our music, and recording a “real album” is the solution to provide the public with an access to our songs. Beyond the excitement on releasing a CD, the quality of sound is what we really care about.

Please tell me a funny thing which have happened during your career and under some gig?

-During our last concert, a drunken guy spent part of the concert talking to the guitarist as if nothing had happened… we had a lot of fun when we saw the video…

How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts?

-Many punk rock music lovers, a public who already knows the punk world. And it’s very exciting to see people vibrating to our music.

Please rank your five favoriterecords, five favoriteconcerts and five most important things in life?

-It’s difficult to choose 5 bands or concerts…. The music we listen to is always so good… Family, friends, music, life…

I really like your bass tunes…it reminds me of some other bands, have you heard that before and if you have some ideas of what it sounds like please tell me(except that it sounds like Les Chardons)?

-No, you’re the first, I’m curious to know because, to be honest, I don’t know…

Do you understand that reviewers always compare bands to other bands? Is that disturbing when you try to something own?

-We listen to many different kinds of music and many different bands. We never thought “OK, let’s gonna do that…” We just make music as we feel it, and the public is the sole judge of the final result. Almost everything has been created in music, and it’s pretty hard to be different from all that already exists. Anyway, if our music sounds like any other band’s music, it’s purely unconscious.

Futureplans for the band?

-A video by the end of the year and a 12-song album in 2015.

For yourself?
-Video and an album

-Be yourself and have a rock and roll attitude.

Something to add?

-Maybe one day we shall have a drink with you in Sweden... Or even 3 or 4...