This interview was placed in my thrashcan and it´s therefor it took some time before it was found….now it´s out with this really good german band.  It´s Tom who answered the questions. Oktober-2016

Please tell me a little bit history of the group?

The band formed up in 2010 to strive for world domination.

Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Earlier bands?  Other bands on the side?

Chris aka CTB: He's the leadsinger and leader of the pack. He's the law. Whatever he says has to be done. Contravene is punished the hard way.

Simon aka Simmi Sixx: The Band engaged him for dancing and just looking good. Where the hell has he got the guitar from?

Tom aka Käptn: He's a samurai at bass. Don't mess with him. He was student of Chuck Norris.

Hardy aka Beef: God on guitar. You can also call him "fast finger". That's why he's also so popular with the ladies.

Ives aka Ivil: He's the master, giving the tempo. Like on a galley or warship.

I can hear much different influences but mostly punkrock both old and hardcore etc? Favorites from the past?

Hot guys mix their sauces. It’s like a nuclear fusion.

Hell Nation Army are you satisfied with the name? How did it came up?  You weren’t afraid that some other band would be named like this. Which is the best bandname you know?

We are on the move on behalf of the devil. He took our souls and made us to his special army. He gave us sound, drums, guitar, rock and ordered to go out and seduce the world.

What´s the best thing with playing live?

To me the best thing is all the energy that comes up playing live and the connection with the audience. And the beer of course!


And where is best to play? And the worst place?

There is no best or worst place. Finally it's crucial what you make out of it.


How is to play this sort of music in Germany right now? Which types of bands do you have concerts together with?

It's god damn great! We like it, love it, like it, love it…

We did a show with "Bonecrusher", "Turbo A.C.'S", "Far from Finished", “Sonny Vincent” and two shows with "Poison Idea"... that was really great. At this point we wanna greet our very dear friends “Poison Heart”, a really cool Punk’n’Roll band from Poland. We did crazy things together.

How would you describe your music in three words?

Kick Ass RocknRoll


What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

It’s a lifestyle! Definitely. Fuck the slipslop about authenticity. Rules are for bourgeois.

Be what you wanna be, do what you have to do,  go your own way. That’s punkrock!


How do you see on downloading, mp3 and that stuff?

Great! The possibilities to make our music known to many people worldwide through downloading. That’s pretty good.

How is it to live in Germany right now? Politically?   

Due to the fact that a lot of refugees came to Germany last year, we have a big and growing right winged movement here which is sometimes pretty scary. It seems those people just waited for an occasion to burst out into hate.  I wish I could put all this Nazi scum into prison and throw away the key.

Is there any good bands from USA now?  Is the punkscene/hardcorescene big? How is it in your hometown?

Time for namedropping. Elvis!

If you wanna get to know the punkrockscene in Berlin, go, visit Kreuzberg.

What do you know about Sweden?

Sweden seems to be a very liberal country and a good place to live. Some of my all time favourite bands come from Sweden. All the Swedish people I met have been very kind and friendly. You have expensive beer and you like rotten fish (Surströmming)


Have you heard any good bands from Sweden?

Yeah, too many to mention! For example Entombed, Backyard Babies, The Nomads, Chuck Norris Experiment, Psychotic Youth, The Turpentines, The Bones, Hellacopters, Death Breath, The Solution, Imperial State Electric, Mary’s Kids and ABBA!

Your lyrics, who does them and what influences you?  Is it easier to do lyrics now or was its easier to do it when you was younger? Why not in deutsch?

It doesn’t depend on your age to write good lyrics. But for me Songs in German language sound shit, except you are doing „Beat-Music“.

Is there any subject that you never will write anything about??

Bees and flowers and stock trading!

Politic and music, does it goes hand in hand?  Which is your most political song?

We’re a non political band. But maybe, next we do a political song, It should be about nazis that we fuck in the ass.

Best political band/artist?

Early Dead Kennedys


Do you think that music (lyrics and so on) can change anyones life, I mean people who listens to music?

Yes, music has got enormous power.

With our music we subject people and make them to our humble servants. It’s like a brainwash.

Your cover on your CD looks really nice, is it important to have a record cover which shows people which type of music you play?

Don’t know. We stole the cover from a famous punkrock band. Ha!!!


Who does your covers? 

Simmi. When he does not rehearse for a new dance-choreography he does graphic things.

And do you have any good recordstores in your hometown?

Of course. Berlin got a lot of  great record stores. Core Tex, for example. You can buy our record there.

Is it important to get out physical records of your stuff? Why or why not? Vinyl, CD, cassette, what do you prefer if you could choose whatever ?

I like Vinyl the most. To watch the cover, read the lyrics, hear the warm and scratchy sound. It’s orgasmic.

Please tell me a funny thing which have happened during your career and under some gig?

We are a serious band. We do not have any fun! Amusement will be punished.

How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts? Which is the biggest band you ever have played together with?

People who come to our shows look different. Women, men, lesbians, gays, prostitutes, sailors, drugdealers, men oft the mob, to name only a few. But mostly they only come to get a good head, after the show and then drink up all our backstage-beer.

Please rank your five favoriterecords, five favoriteconcerts and five most important things in life?

The records are:

Hard-Ons: ‘Alfalfa males’

Slayer: ‘Reign in blood’

Slayer: ‘Reign in blood’

Poison Idea: ‘Feel the darkness’

Rocket from the Crypt: ‘All systems go 2’


The concerts are:

            Hard-Ons at Wild at heart/Berlin in 2010

            Minstry in Hamburg 1992

            Psychotic Youth in Kiel in 1996

             Poison Idea at Wild at heart/Berlin in 2016

            AC/DC at Columbiahalle/Berlin in 2003


The most important things in my life:

               Family and friends





First, last and most expensive record ever bought?

The most expensive record I ever bought was a one-sided fan club 7” from Rocket From The Crypt. It was 50,- € back then, but it’s now worth about 300,- $.

Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews??

Intervies are great fun. To tell all that freaky stories and fool around. We like it.

If you could choose five bands from the past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosen?

Tom Robinson Band, The Communards, DAF, Village People, Judas Priest, Turbonegro

Is music a good way to get out frustration and become a nicer person outside the music??

Yes, of course. Have you ever met nicer persons than us?

Which is the most odd question you ever have got in an interview?

Are you single?

Which is the question you want to have but you never get. Please ask it and answer it?

How you ever look so drop-dead gorgeous?

Futureplans for the band?

The world domination.

For yourself?

To talk less trash.


As Mahatma Gandhi said: “Fuck Off!!”


Something to add?

Thanx for the interview and it would be great if we’d make it to your nice country and rock your Swedish asses off!