History? -1989 we were board out of our minds in our shitty little towns and wanted to do something fun and loud. Started making records in 1991 with "Full Length" on Dr. Strange Records then signed up with Nitro Records in 1994, the first band on that label. "Friendly People","Teri Yakimoto","Musical Monkey","Live from the Pharmacy" and "Gorgeous" followed on Nitro and we then hooked up with LA label Epitaph Records in 2000 to put out "Covered with Ants" and now "Gusto" in 2002. Mark, Eric(Derek) and Mr. Scott Sheldon have been at it all along the way with Ty Smith hooking up in 1998 and now original bass player Clint Wienrich back on bass guitar in 2002.



Please tell me a little about every member, age, family, interests,
something bad about every one?-
Mark's mom used to dress him really funny, sometimes in dresses if that's all they had, even in highschool, I think it messed with his head a bit. Scott was locked in a closet for most of his life and to this day only comes out to play gigs and rehearse once and a while, he does like rum drinks and hot weather. Ty had a rough life being raised by 2 men in a trailer park in Illinois, although it seems to have stunted his growth he got used to beating things and took up drums at an early age, moved to Hollywood and entered the porn industry starting a new life. Clint likes to drink and talk about Kung-Fu fighting for as long as I can remember. Myself?.... Eric/Derek, I grew up in suburbia OC.....middle class yahoo with divorced parents and spend all my time just surfing and playing music and trying not to work...a jerk of all trades would be me.



I think your new CD Gusto sounds a little more happy than other records
you have done, comment? -It is's a Party Record for a fucked up time. Contradicts what's going on these gives us a smile when we need one most.


Have you got any reviews on it yet? -It's not out yet but most say it sounds really mixed up and fun..different from the past but still Guttermouth.



Do you care about reviews?- I guess I do a bit..I like to be positive and feel that when we go play that people will have fun.



Which is the most peculiar review you ever got? -I don't know!!!!.. I don't go looking for reviews much.



I think you have songs on this which really sound like funsongs, are the songs in the end of the CD serious? -As serious as we can get I guess, have we ever been too serious? , not yet...but who knows?



How is to live in USA right now?'-Bitchen!


Any good bands? -Not really..not that I've seen, but I don't get out much at home.



How did you react when the terrorist attack was?, anger ,fear, sursprised
or what? And where were you when you got the news?- Fuckin' Pissed...I don't like my freedoms taken away. We were on our way to the ai
rport to leave for our European "Punk-o-Rama" tour. Obviously all flights were cancelled and we stayed on stand-by for a week before we finally had to cancel our tour.


Have it changed your life something? -It fucked up a good tour for us, so yeah it took from a lot of things and instilled a bit of fear as well.


The name Guttermouth, where did it came from? -We came up with that name in 87' when we were kids jammi'n and drinkin'.

You have been on Epitaph now for a while, how is the label if you
compare with your old labels, whatīs the difference? -Straight up..the label is just much better than where we were before. Epitaph give us opportunity to play overseas more so than the other labels because of the presence overseas.



Are they good, they let you do what you want or? -We right our own shit, they put it out on record.



How much do you sell approxiemately?- Our last record sold 4.2 million copies in China but it has'nt done quite that well in the U.S. yet.



What drives you to play music? -This guy who works for us does most of the driving. Usually a big RV or van.



Please describe your music with three words? -Eat a Dick



Please rank your five favourite records, five favouriteconcerts and five
most important things in life?-
No! much thinking involved.



First, last and the most expensive record you ever bought? -I've figured out alternative way to get my records then I usually just throw them away. Can't remember much now.



Idols when you were small? -Surf Stars I guess



When are you going to be really big as Offspring, Blink 182 and those
bands? -We already are in China!...



Is it important to be wellknown? -It's more important to be well liked by few.


What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or? -Yeah, it's only a word these days.. like Fuck.


What do you know about Sweden?- Very Little, been there before but can't remember a whole lot as with many places I see on tour. I did notice the girls.

Have you heard any swedish bands worth to mention? -You probably know who they would be but I'm burning out on the scene.



Are there many interviews? Is it boring? -This one is long as fuck..and I have to type it out with 2 fingers.



Which is the question you never get but you want to have, please ask it
and answer it? -Do you want me to ask the last question now?........Fuck Yes!



How does the average Guttermouth fan look like? -All girls are 5'1" about 185lbs and all guys are 5'9" about 210lbs, balding at age 23.



Do you have good contact with your fans, in which way? -We try to show up and play live...other than that they can go to the website i guess.



How is a good concert with Guttermouth? -Like beating a stepchild.



Which is the most peculiar which have happened during a concert with
you, on stage or in the audience? -Every show is something new it seems...some things are peculiar to some and not others but something always happens.



Whatīs the best of being in a band and whatīs the worst?- Best......speaking Chinese. Worst.......Eating Chinese food.



What do you think of the way to communicate with email and internet and
all that? -Whatever floats your boat... I play guitar and act like an idiot.



Do you have any favorite website? -No.



Which are your future plans as a band? -Touring U.S., Canada, in August/September. Touring Europe Nov/Dec...Touring Australia Jan/Feb.....etc.



As a human being?- Same as above.



Wisdomword? -Have fun!



Something more to add?- Adios.........