Grönpeppar Records is a new-old record label and there is a lot of fun happening on that label now and in the future. Martin has answered a bunch of questions like this at the end of August 2021.


You've been in the punk world for a while. Are you in any band right now?

-Yes, in Röd Revolver. With the best bandmates in the world. We've been forced into a long hiatus because of shit, but we're going to restart in October. It's going to be great fun. I've been in the punk movement since the '90s and Grönpeppar is a continuation of GP -sås that I had then.


Tell me a little about the other "members" of the record label?

-It is Carl Gibson from Gothenburg and south sweden Danne Paulsson who got into the heat sometime around the beginning of 2021. Gibson takes care of the record store and handles all packing and sending - and is also responsible for our Bandcamp page. Danne is the one who runs the webshop and who has full control of all numbers and finances - and manages contact with record presses/printers. Among other things. Both of them do a huge job and it allows me to concentrate a lot on the music and the releases.


You just said you have send a vinyl for pressing... You probably won't tell us who they are, but can we have a small chance of guessing who they are? Is it a band that debuts or have they done something before?

- I can say yes to both A and B. They're two bands with very young members. It's going to be great. I can give you some other news. Within a month, we'll send you a form of collection. It will be called Twelve Inch Punk(Tolv Tum Punk) and it is actually four EPs with four different bands. All with their own covers. And at a much cheaper purchase price than what four vinyl EP's cost. This was my original idea when we decided to release vinyl so it feels great to finally launch it.


What are your demands for a band to be on Grönpeppar Records?

- No requirements except that they should not be foil hats and right-hand idiots. Then there's a very strong inclination for female fronted punk bands and/or young punk bands among what we release, but that's just because I think they're the ones doing the best and most interesting punk music. But no rule without exception because we're actually releasing a old-fashioned vinyl  with old guys this fall, ha ha.


You will release vinyl , cassette and CD, which format do you like yourself best?

- Personally, I prefer digipack CD because it is easy to handle and always has good quality. And just like with cassette, you can print a small inexpensive edition which also gives small and new bands an opportunity. And then it's cheap. Vinyl is expensive to make and buy - but has a very special and unique feel and fits bands that can make/sell larger editions. Cassette is more of a fun cult thing. I like all three, in their own way. Things by person.


Do you have a dream band to get your label?

-Oh, absolutely. Hårdgnissel and N'a Hospitalet I had personally received without blinking. But actually, two other similar "dream bands" we're going to release vinyl with next year so I'm skipping mentioning them by name now. There are so many great Swedish punk bands!


In what editions do you release your works?

- It's a little different depending on the format and which band. We learn all the time. Elvira Bira's CD, for example, sold out already during the pre-sale, so we took too little. Yes, all our CDs are more or less sold out, so we probably need to make some larger CD editions.


What drives you to do a record label these days?

-It's an eternal love of Swedish punk that drives us, nothing else.


Are you involved in Danne's Punk rock Store or is it just his thing?

- It's just Danne's thing, I'm not involved at all there. But it is the surplus from there that finances Grönpeppars editions. And Danne also has the "record label" Sockiplast where he gets to decide on the music and avoids me....


How many percent of what you release do you have to sell for a release to add up?

- The whole edition, basically. It is actually Danne who should answer here because he manages the economy, but we keep prices down all we can and make no profit. The goal is for every release to go around for us and for the band to make some money.


When a band records something to be released, how do they record themselves and you just do the pressing of the physical or do you pay for recording as well?

- No, because we don't make a profit, so there's no way to pay studio time for the bands. The idea is that the bands should go plus on the record sales and thus get paid for some expenses afterwards, so to speak. Then we have a pretty close collaboration with Siken i Giftig Avfall who also runs a studio where the bands can record for free if he have time. He's doing a fantastic job for the punk scene!


Ursäkta röran-records. Is there anything you will continue with?  Anything new going on there?

-Oh, absolutely! That series is the heart of this. New bands that get traction and the chance to be discovered by more people. I'm busy with Vol 3. 12 of 13 bands are nailed down and scheduled for release in November. Also has a bunch of bands ready for vol 4 so it will definitely continue.


You've got off to a really good start with releasing a lot in a fairly short time, do you have time to work with something else?

- Ha ha, yes I have a normal job (professional driver) but I am lucky enough to be able to listen to a lot of music at work. It makes it easier. And then I have to point out that it is only thanks to Carl and Danne getting into the gang that it is possible to keep this pace. I would never have done that on my own, either financially or in time. Before they came along, I had only published Röd Revolver and Ursäkta röran Vol I. And the same with Mikael Ström who relieves and helps me extremely much by realizing my graphic ideas. So it's not a one-man company in any way.


How else do you think punk lives on in Sweden? Any favorite bands right now besides the ones you've released?

-It's a small scene, but there's never a shortage of incredibly good Swedish punk bands. Right here and now, Hårdgnissel and N:a Hospitalet as I mentioned earlier are two big favorites. Then bands like Kardborrebandet, Bergerlig Begravning, Jönzzonligan, Kasshuvve, Ärkepucko, City Saints.. It can be continued for a long time.


Which band do you think will be the next "big" punk band in Sweden, I mean a band that is not known now but comes strong?

-You never know that, and least of all I prefer warped and charming punk to skilled punk. But one band that hasn't released anything physical yet but deserves more attention is SmåJävlaFötter from Gothenburg. They really have everything that it takes purely musically and will be exciting to follow. I hope Grönpppar can make their physical debut!


You once made a fanzine, nothing you're thinking about these days, or is it enough to release music?

- Yes, I really love paper fanzines. But it takes a lot of time and commitment. I've guest written in many issues of Flyktoda, I'm going to have to settle there right now. But it would be great to be part of a fanzine collective, I wouldn't back down on that.


Sending out reviewcopys is something that is quite close to your heart because you yourself have written about music and you know how happy as a fanzine maker gets  very happy every time something comes in the mailbox?

- Well, I remember that feeling very clearly. But the feeling is the same nowadays when new Swedish punk comes into the box. But without the element of surprise. But of course I want to support the few fanzines that actually exist.


What's the weirdest review you've received so far?

- Strange I don't know, but it was a German fanzine where the writer wrote that he came to think of bratwurst and beer while listening to Wrong Band's EP. It was a bit of fun anyway.


How do you see on Spotify, Bandcamp etc....Spotify you´re not there, what is it about?

- Just positive really, correctly used. I'm using both to look for new music. I do that all the time, like. And if something's great, I usually buy the record, if I can afford it. I personally don't feel that it is a "record label performance" to release music on Spotify, the bands can easily do that themselves. And thus keep 100% of the revenue themselves. I don't want us to grab that share. That's what for-profit record labels live on, isn't it, Spotify revenue? Bandcamp feels more punk and diy than Spotify and there we post everything we release on our account. Simply so that people can listen to the test and for those who prefer digitally to get theirs. I really like Bandcamp.


How many releases do you intend to release per year or is it nothing definite?

-Nothing definite. But we discussed at some point that 8-9 editions a year are actually quite right. I want to be able to go in 100% on each edition and time is limited after all. So better to be a little picky than just chop everything.


How do you sell your records, is it just online or are you trying to be out at concerts as well (I know there haven't been that many concerts lately), are there many who distribute your records?

- The bands sell themselves at their concerts and get all the revenue from there. We only sell through our webshop. There are only a few punk distros, like Flyktsoda, that sell our editions. We are extremely grateful to them, because every sold record really counts. Vinyl is what more people want to help selling, it's good enough for nice people, ha ha.


Last question Greenpepper sauce something you like or tired of?

-He he - no I haven't tasted it since my teens, but as I remember it was pretty good. We'll just have to eat it when Danne, Carl and I meet sometime. Kind of funny that a joke a friend made when I was 13 seems to come with me all my life, by the way. As it may be.