Grinned is a really good and fast grindcore/hardcoreband from Ireland. Here they have answered a lot of questions from me in may 2015. Please tell me a little bit history of the group? Hello Peter, thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview with us. How the hell did you find us... a bunch of nut jobs from the middle of nowhere? Hahahaaa Our history started in Cavan (Ireland)...sometime in 2010...another rainy day at the country side. Little old cottage surrounded only by sheep and cows feeding on green grassy fields, the only disturbing element of idyllic image...terrible noise drifting out... Kevin Boyle (drummer) & Mira (guitarist) just started jamming first riffs for a new project later named as GRINNED. Lads had been joined by James Wilson (bass/vocals) & Jamie Lee (guitar) a few months later and project started turning into a regular band. The transformation process was completed by the arrival of main vocalist Brian Coyle. First show was organised for local headbangers in 2011, followed by more gigs within Ireland, Northern Ireland & UK. Debut CD had been recorded in 2013 at “Beast Studio”/Ireland, mixed & mastered by Jindra “Otyn” Tomanek/Czech Rep. and released by Bizarre Leprous Production (Czech Republic). The Year 2014 was a bit tragic for the band. Brian moved to Slovenia. James moved to Carlow for college and Mira had a serious health issues. This caused us one year break. Kevin, Mira & Jamie are working on a material for new album, which should be recorded in 2016, but unfortunately we are short of members for live performance at the moment. Brian has planned return back to Ireland with his family, but definite date is not confirmed yet.
Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Earlier bands? Mira – 35, married and has a daughter 2.5year, Contracts Management, history & outdoor activities... like sex/drugs & grinned’n’roll hahaha, previously seen in Mincing Fury and G.C. of Q.D., Eternal Helcaraxe. ...to precise of a cunt :D Kevin – 26, girlfriend, bike mechanic, downhill biking, skatebording, darts, soccer, DRINKING!!! previous bands – Solace of Nadir, Eternal Helcaraxe. ...can’t count to save his life, but fortunately can count drum beats... Jamie – 25, girlfriend, no jobs no hope no future hahaaa, darts, DRINKING!!! sleep & cats previous bands – Solace of Nadir, Grinned :D ...afraid of the sound of the shower... Brian – 27, engaged and has a son 9mths, English teacher, smoking fags, drinking Monster, GRIND & dirty porn!!! ...never seen before...he just appeared hahahaaa ...unfortunately affected by “Flapping Tremor” hahaaa
Hepatology An involuntary jerking tremor of wide amplitude elicited upon dorsiflexion of the pronated wristand spreading of extended fingers; in full-blown flapping tremors, there is abrupt flexion of the fingers atthe metacarpophalangeal joint and flexion of the wrist, occurring asynchronously with each other everyfew seconds, due to exaggerated reflexes; bilateral flapping tremor is quasi-pathognomonic for metabolic,o ften alcohol-related, hepatic encephalopathy seen in end-stage—post-fibrotic—
cirrhosis due toincreased blood ammonia hyperreflexia, resistance to flexionand extension, seen in infants born to heroin-addicted mothers who undergo ‘withdrawal’ at birth
James – 25, gay and has a tapworm, college, Liverpool FC. DRINKING Buckfast, previous bands – Solace of Nadir, Grinned :D
-We listen various styles of music, but mainly metal...the main GRINNED influence would be from GRIND CORE, genre which might actually be described as fast combination of death metal and punk. Some members are also into hard core & crust punk. Our favorites from the past are also favorites from the present ;)
Grinned are you satisfied with the name? How did it came up? That no one have come up with that before? Which is the best bandname you know? -Yes, we are very satisfied with the name...could not be better. We just wanted to come up with a band name which would exactly describe our sarcastic attitude to life. It is too many bands with great names, hard to choose one.
What´s the best thing with playing live? -It is always awesome feeling to be at the stage, go mad & make a good show for people (and ourselves), see their reactions. It is sort of addictive feeling you will never forget and will definitely miss once you get a hold of it.
-It is always great to play, no matter where it is. Sometime goes things wrong, but them are remembered the most at the end of the day...as the most funny stories. We love to turn troubles into a fun as soon as it happens...so the most shitty place can turn into Colosseum...at least in our eyes ;)
Honestly...just shiiiiite!!! Hahaaa
1. Not 2.sure 3. man ;) Or GRINNED’N’ROLL
Brian: Unfit For Consumption
-We never really followed punk itself...only combined with other music styles. Punk is still a lifestyle...just not sure for how many people these days. Look at all of that sort of EMO punk modern shites around...it is just making us sick! Brian: Both if you understand that punk is about freedom and not being an identical clone of the next guy.
-We are absolutely ok with it. Music must be expressed and shared. Musicians who are interested only to making of money out of theirs records can go f**k them selves.
How is it to live in Ireland now? Politically? -We do not care about politics. It is always lot of bullshit no matter what country you live in. ...but we can’t complaint about Ireland...at least wages & dole are not to bad
-It depends what you into. Fans of black metal scene would surely know Primordial from Dublin. There is also very good BM band from Cavan ...Eternal Helcaraxe. Folk metal bands as Cruachan, Celtachor. Death metal bands Abadon Incarnate, Warpath, Coldwar. We do not really have any grindcore scene in Ireland, but related this genre of music should be highlighted “I’ll Eat Your Face”...this lads are awesome, check them out. Yes, there is a punk scene in Dublin...just not sure how big. In Cavan – Eternal Helcaraxe & Grinned
-Kevin: Not a bit Mira: Beautiful nature, sexy women, amazing history, expensive alcohol...GREAT MUSIC!!! Brian: Amazing bands and great cider, would love to visit it.
-Mira: 90’s had been powerful for metal scene. Lot of great records were released that time and many of them came from Sweden, Norway & Finland. Sweedish death metal is the best for me. Musicians like Dan Swano (Edge of Sanity + projects) & Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy/Pain) are invaluable. It is not easy to name good bands from Sweden and do not forget some, so I name just a few...Entombed, At The Gates, Grave, Dismember, Unleashed, Tiamat, Therion, Bathory, Cemetary, Nasum, Wolfbrigade, Birdflesh, General Surgery, Regurgitate and many others.... Brian: Arsedestroyer, Left In Ruins, Massgrav, Nasum, Saayadina, M:40,Infanticide, The Arson Project, Bruce Banner, Disfear, Gadget, Retaliation, Skitsystem, Splitter.
-Lyrics for our album were written by James Wilson & some by Mira influenced “how else” by good and bad life experiences spiced by our sarcasm. ...also some party times like in “104”
-We do not fancy to involve politics in our lyrics, but never say never...one day we might...as a piss take hahahaa
-Not necessary...it is band preference. We are definitely not a politic band.
-Mira/Kev: ...never really followed political bands Musik kan säkert påverka, inspirera, ge dig trevliga känslor / känslor och driva dig att tänka om livet, men aldrig ändra dig helt. Brian: Naturligtvis, det gjorde det för mig.
Your cover on your CD looks really nice, is it important to have a record cover which shows people which type of music you play? Your favorite recordcover? Not any thought that your album is called the same as the old punkband Ruts Grin and bear it? -It surely is important to get the cover done to match the music&lyrics on actual CD. Our CD cover had been done by Arif “Rotworks” (vocalist from Wormrot/Singapur). Booklet design created by Tom “Massak Massakow” Lacina (Czech Rep.) Band photo taken by CMedia & Photography – Conor Conlon/Ireland Mira: Again, there is to many class record covers on metal scene, but I love REGURGITATE cover “Carnivorous Erection”.
Peter, you really pissed me off!!! We never heard about Ruts, believe or not. Shit, we thought our album name is unique L. I “so far” searched some details about this band. Mentioned album had been released in 1980. I was just a few months old that time and the other lads were still swimming ...must give that band a listen soon ;)
-Mira: Yes, it is important. I still know some lads who have a band, but do not mind record at all or do not want make a record on digital media...only on vinyls. I do understand and have a sympathy for theirs underground “Fuck the Commerce” attitude, but it is pity as theirs music is great and might be spread more.
-The best story we had so far happened on the ferry on the way to Blastonbury festival in Leeds. We walked first thing in the morning into the restaurant and ordered breakfast. Waiter did not even get back to us with the food and one of our un-named members (what “fat head”?) tried to fart and ended up shitting himself. It was not so easy to run to toilet for him as there was another waiter taking money before you leave...fortunately he let him go. Our dose of skitters returned short of boxers on time to get served. ...before we start to eat, Kevin asked him the question: ...ANY BROWN SAUCE???
Which is the biggest band you ever have played together with? -...as idiots as ourselves hahahaaaaaaa No, we are joking...audience are mostly lads like us...metalers. Mira: I sometime miss my “grind core” mates from Czech. It would be nice to see them over to go mental on Grinned., but we are always happy to play front of the crowd...no matter how big. The biggest bands we have played so far with would be...Wormrot & Ahumado Granujo, hopefully more to come.
-That would be a weirdo, wouldn’t be? Like the one below. See the answer hahahaaa. Music can surely influence, inspire, give you nice feelings/emotions and push you to think about life, but never change you completely. Brian: Of course, it did for me.
Please rank your five favoriterecords, five favoriteconcerts and five most important things in life? -Kevin: I do not even listen music that much. Mira: Five favoriterecords Hermaphrodit – “Obraben a mnohonasobne rozctvrcen v zajeti ozubenych kol” Hermaphrodit – “Fekal Party” Pungent Stench – “Dirty Rhymes and Psychotronic Beats” Contrastic – “Contrastic” Pigsty “Planet of the Pigs” ...and many others Five favoriteconcerts 1996, Brno (Seda litina) – Samael, Rotting Christ, Moonspel 1998, Brno - Waltari 1996 & 1997 & 1998 Brutal Assault festivals Any of Obscene Extreme festivals I was at Mini tours with Mincing Fury in 2002 were mighty craic Five most important things in life there is only one...to feel pain...as long as I feel the pain I’m still alive
Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews?? -It is very boring! Why are you annoying us with it ??? hahahaaa Nooo, it is a good fun and very important for the contact with fans.
-We do not mind how big is the band we play with, it is not important to us at all. The only thing which counts is to be on stage.
-Mira: Hey, are you talking about me? My wife always send me to play a guitar when I’m getting nervous and a bit angry hahaaaa. Music is a huge “necessary” stress & anger relief for me. Kevin is a very calm person, he does not need it.
-Which is the most odd question you ever have got in an interview! Hahahaaaaa
-Question: Hey lads, how come your music is that awesome? Answer: Thank you
-New record in 2016 and find some handy musicians to join the band for life performance.
For yourself? -Keep rocking...Keep rotting!!! Brian: Trip balls
-If you don’t know it...Google it ;)
If somebody would be interested to buy GRINNED album “...or join us ;)... ” get in touch:
mirapetrilak@yahoo.com https://www.facebook.com/grinnedcore?ref=hl
or contact great lads from: