Bergens finest band.....

Greenland Whalefishers comes from my halfsisters homecity Bergen and they´re hybrid of Pogues and punkrock which is really nice to put your ears into. Agnes was answering my questions  in the beginning of march 2004.



-Twoshed and Arvid started to jam 1993. And then after that it came some people to them and it became some gigs and everything is was rolling. NOTHING WAS PLANNED


Have been many personal changes through the years? Please tell me a little about todays members,earlier bands, age, family , interests and something bad about every one?

-Twoshed, Arvid and I have been in the group all the time- Odin came 1997, , Örjan 2000, Trond 02 and Terje 03. We have played in many differnt bands. Then most known must be  OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT, which Örjan was in. Our ages varies from 27 to 53 and everyone is together with some one or married, we 6-7 kids together and we´re all interested in music and we´re really lazy..  


To play this sort of folkrock in Norway, how does it go?

-It´S best on big pubs. Otherwise it´s much in the punkscene. We sell more CD´s outside Norway that we´re doing in Norway.


You have played with different groups like Dubliners but you have also been on Holidays in the sun? How was it to play on a punkfestival?

-Fucking much cult. A lot of people. Cult!!!!!!


I can imagine that punk is sometiong which you really care about? What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

-The most important is the music. Going mad & happy. We have 7 members so it can vary a lot(we look like were paretns to other bands which we play with; I think) 


Why do you think that punks like folkmusic?

-In England many of the first punks was irish of the second geenration of irishmen. Irish parents. It have done some for them I think. 


I can understand that you already have heard that you sound a little like Pogues sometimes but which other groups are you being compared to? I can think that you have got the mark unnorweigan too?

-We ´re absolutely unnorwegian. People compares us to Clash, Waterboys and Dropkick Murphys


Do you care about reviews?

-If people have something to say(positive or negative) so it good.


Which si the most peculiar you vere have got?

-One that said we are good musicans, he coulnd´t have heard a single record. 


How would you describe your own music?



I have been in Bergen once(my halfsister lives there) and that´s a nice city, how´s musiclife there?    

-It´s actually so that Bergen is the haart in Norways musiclife. And Swedish unknown artitst emigrate to Bergen(Karin Park) and she have really been good here!!!!!!


Is there anything which is typical that a Bergenbo does  compared to the rest of the norwegian population?  And then I don´t mean the language??

-In Norway a Bergenliving is well known that he speaks all the time, he ca never shut up


What is typically swedish?

-Snuff( Arvid uses it )


Good bands from Sweden, Norway, from the rest of the world? 

-From Sweden .. Blisterhead, Tequila Girls.

Norway. Beinkjør, Freak Oi og Jef

The world... Pogues, Rancid, Dubliners, Ramones, Dropkick Murphys, +++++++++++++++


How is a good gig with you?

-Then you want another beer after that we´re finished. 


How does the average fan look like`??

-Punks or someone with a skinwaistcoat, mockasins, white socks. 


Where comes the name from? I have been eaten whale when I was in Bergen , but is it allowd to hunt whale nowadays?

-The name comes from a traditional irish song. It´s unfortunaly allowed to catch whale in Norway..Tragical. But you must have to be very good to manage to fish a whale......


Please rank your five favoruiterecords, five best concerts and five most important things in life?

- Favouriterecords

1. And out come the wolves RANCID

2. Ramones                         RAMONES

3. Rum Sodomy & the Lash  POGUES

4. Sing Loud, Sing Proud      DROPKICK MURPHYS

5. London Calling                 THE CLASH


1. Rancid     Oslo 2003

2. Shane MacGowan  Bergen 95

3. Dubliners           Bergen 96

4. Shane MacGowan  Dublin 98

5. Los Fastidios    Bergen 2003

Most important things in life

1. The closest

2. Friends

3 Music

4 Beer

5 Sleeping


First last and most expensive record ever bought?

-The first was Alice Cooper. The latest Los Rancheros. The most expensive Pogue Mahone " Dark streets of London" 500 kronor for a 7".


The most embarrassing record in your compilation?

-Little Steven "Revolution"


When you do music, what is your priority, the music, the lyrics or the refrain?

-We start with the music and then the rest come of itself..


When you do a song  is it som eone who does the whole song or are you helping each other?

- Arvid (sometimes I and Twoshed ) does the songs.


How much does a group of your caliber sell?

-Fucking little. 3-4000.


No bigger label which have been phoned you or so?

-No, In Norway is only pure popbands which they sign nowadays.



-Travelling and to have it fun((Come to Sweden 


Futureplans for yourself?

-Do and play fat music….so… long as it´s fun.….



-Don´t you never do anything important when you must piss..


Something to add?

-See ya in the pit.