Full process comes from France and are a really good one. This interview was taking place in February 2009.


History about the group, you have been on the road for many years?

-FULL PROCESS is a powerful punk rock band which formed in Strasbourg in 2001. After their initial EP and some changes in the line up, the band secures its final 5 members in 2004, all strongly dedicated to the underground culture. The band released its first album in 2004 and it sold like hot cakes during concerts held in France, Germany and Switzerland. FULL PROCESS was back in the recording studio in 2007 to prepare for its second album. The mixing and mastering was completed at the "All Prod" recording studio (Fickle, Freygolo...). The new album was released by Swiss Label "Shattered Thought Records" in 2008. The same year the band's popularity increased tenfold thanks to a French tour and numerous appearances in various festivals. The band's fan base is growing by the day. The band has remained true to its musical style and with their newfound confidence, the members of the band have no intention to stop there!


Please tell me a little about every member, age, family, work, interests and something bad about every one?

-Seb : Drum – Student : look like a hip hop man

Reno : guitar + Vocal – Student : has 5 guitars at home

Jean : guitar + Scream – Worker : Snowboard fan

Morgan : Vocal – Saler : really bad dancer

Sylvain : Bass - works foreman : Live in a mountain


Have it been changes in the line up through the years?

-Yes, The original guitarist and singer left the band in 2004, then we try with other singers and guitarists since we found the present line up.


To play punk in France, how is that?

-Ha ! Good question. It’s not easy every day. It’s difficult to find good concerts in France, because punk rock is not a fashion music. So we have to work hard to find places to perform in good conditions.


Why do you sing in english and not in French?

-We’re all listening punk rock bands which sing in English. That’s what we like. So we decided to sing in this language… And it’s more sexy to sing « come on baby » than » viens là bébé »… We are not really good in writing in french lyrics like Guerilla Poubelle or minimum serious, that’s an other reason… English is the best way for us.


What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

-For us, punk rock is a music style. We want to play what we want, when we want with lyrics we choose. Not always singing stupid songs talking about sun, rain and girls.


Is it important with lyrics which is about something and not only about love, beers and so on?

-Yeah !! Really important ! We like to talk about our lives, about our problems, about some convictions, but not about politic. And our real lives are not love and beers… It’s working hard for our families, because we have bills every end of month. Music is a free land for us, to shout our frustration, and to have fun every week end.


Which is the most political song you have done?

-« President of the world » is the most political song. We talk about what we would do if we were president (playing war with our ministers, having fun with Monica Lewinski, owning 5 cars…) Hahaha !!! This is a sarcastic song… But we sent this song to a US web radio… And this radio sent us an e-mail, to say that we are bastards, and they won’t broadcast this song. that’s funny !


Doesn´t music and politics goes along hand in hand?

-No. We have political convictions, but they are our convictions. We don’t want to say to our fans to vote for this one, or this one. We are all free to do what we want. That’s our point of view.


Is there any good french punkband which is really political? Other good French bands?

-A good politic french band ? Yeah « Les sales Majestés ». It’s a good band but he is dead today. And in France we have real good bands like Next Friday, 95-C, Nothing for free, Les musclés and Uncomonmenfrommars of course !!


How is it to live in France nowadays? What´s the best and what´s the worst?

-Ha !! it’s not good, not bad… At present we have big problems with our economy, so many people has problems in their jobs, and are not really pragmatic… Not really funny, isn’t it ? That’s life.


Is it many differences between rich and the poor?

-Yeah, of course, like in every countries. Rich become richer, and poor poorer every days . It’s always the same story.


Football? Any favourites

-Yeah !!! Racing club de Strasbourg (a small and untalented team…)


Your hometown, how is the musiclife there?

-The Local music scene is really active. A lot of punk rock band (old school) move their ass to organize nice punk rock shows ! We have A big metal scene in Strasbourg. The city is really active for music promotion.


What do you know about Sweden?

-We know that you are in Europe. Your flag is blue and yellow.ABBA and Ace of base are coming from Sweden no ? Hehe ! That’s funny bands, a lot of French people dance to this music ! Some friends who have been in your country said that’s a nice place for holidays, and girls are really cute !!! Is it real?


Have you heard any good Swedish bands?

-Raised fist, Adhesive and Adjusted are 3 fucking good bands !!!! Lot of respect for you !


Have you done anything else thsn Undeground?If you have how can I get it

-Yeah, We have 1 album before : « rotten TV ». You can get it on our myspace ! It’s a mélodic punk rock cd. We are on 1 China compilations called « Kids union Vol 1. ».


New things like MY Space, facebook and those things, have it helped you a lot?

-Yes we use a lot myspace. And it’s a good place to make new contacts. We booked the French tour in 2008 only with myspace contacts… We found our Label with a myspace message… We found opportunities to be on compilations in China, Bulgaria, France. So thanks to the new mass medias ;)


You have been a lot outside France and played, where have you been and where was most fun?

-We played in Germany, with No authority and Skafield… That was really good moments ! And we played In Switzerland with our friends Seemansgarn…And it was amazing : A lot of people (really friendly), good vibrations, and a really nice after party, with good music, and good drinks ! What else ?


How does the average Full process-fan look like?

-It’s all style : emo girls, skaters, normal persons, adolescent… Not only one look. We try to play music for everyone, so the public is really eclectic.


Which people do you miss on your concerts?

-Girlfriends, family, friends… but we are happy to do the show, and we forget all.


Which song is the fans favourite? And you own Full process-favourite?

-The fans really like « President of the world ». And We like to play « Alone in the crowd »… it’s a song with a good energy, that’s why we like to play this one.


You haven´t done any cover-songs?

-Only one : Riannah « umbrella »… But it ‘s a funny punk rock adaptation…


-Is it so that french people are really bad at english or is it so that they don..t want to talk english?

-It depends. New generations learn English at school, so they progress in the pronunciation. But youth like talking English. The most important is that people understand your idea… If the pronunciation is wrong, it’s not important, but the message is important.


Please rank your five favouriterecords? Five Favouriteconcerts? And five most important things in life?

-Paramore « All we know is falling »

Mad Caddies « Duck and cover »

Raised fist « Sound of the republic »

AC/DC « Back in Black »

New found glory « Coming Home »


First, last and most expensive record ever bought?

-The first was Nirvana (Nevermind). And the most expensive was a NOFX collection


Most embarrassing record in your collection?

-« La plus grande discotheque du monde Vol 14 » (a fashion techno dance compilation…), And a « world’s apart » album (a old boys band)… Forget what you’re reading please… ☺


What about mp3 and downloading, where do you stand?

-We have a numerical label which help us (Believe distribution). Actually we are on ITUNES, Napster, music me, fnac music store, and other mp3 platforms. So it’s a good opportunity for people to discover our music with good prices. And you can listen to our new album on www.deezer.com .


Is it good or bad for a band of your calibre?

-It’s a real opportunity. Mp3 is the future. Would you buy an album if you only like 2 songs ? The advantage with the net is : before buying, you can listen to the songs… So you can make better choices… That’s a good thing for artists and fans.


How much does a band like Full process sell of your CD..s?

-Something like 1500-2000 copies in the world.


Futureplans for the band?

-A tour In Germany in 2009, 1 song in a bulgarian compilation and one other song on a french sampler. Some concerts in France. And start working on a future album…


For yourself as a human being?

-To become the president of the world…LOL



-Nice is good, mean is bad, don’t be mean ‘cause mean is bad …


Something to add?

-We would like to thank SKRUTT for giving us the possibility to talk about our music. That’s a good webzine. Keep on moving your ass for music, that rocks ! Thanks to Nadine for the translation…

To conclude, support local bands. Go to underground concerts, create your own blogs, webzines, Fanzines, to promote the bands you like. Move your ass for music… That’s all folks.