Five Days oFF

Kim from the Belgian group Five Days off gives us the truth and the whole truth here. This was done in the shaking last minutes of January 2006.



-Started up in 1995, after some demo’s and splitcds….

Since the release of their debut album ‘ripping the field’ on Funtime records in 2000, Five Days off has been constantly touring ,playing shows or recording.   Their infectious, fastforward melodic punkrock with some hard rockin’ influences was brought to several European countries.  Five days off did several European tours, including one as support for the Swedish Adhesive and a full month tour with labelmates Shandon (it) and the german band Skin of Tears.  Their first album was also released on the Canadian New Horizon Records and the band did a headlining tour through Canada in 2001. Enter 2002, Five Days off records the follow up album ‘Coast to coast’ with Patrick Delabie and the catchy chorusses, great melodies and fast punkrock take the band to an even higher plan.  They are invited to play at various festivals like Pukkelpop, Rock Herk, Groezrock , Marktrock Leuven and many, many others.  Being good friends with that other big punkrockband from Belgium – Flatcat that is- they decided to team up for a split cd and start recording at Dé Studio in the fall of 2003.  The result was released in 2004 and things start even going better. On the split cd, the band kind of reinvented theirselves, resulting in a collection of catchy songs with a great drive and full of passion and energy.  For sure, the new sound and approach fits the band well and they soon start working on the new full length album.  In the meantime, there are some smaller tours in various European countries and a support tour for Belvedere through Canada in the spring of this year.   Right after their return from Canada, they are finishing their songs.  The summer is spent in Déstudio to do the recordings with Dirk Miers and Jasper Vergeer (from Undeclinable) who also worked hard on the new 5do album as producer and contributor to some vocal arrangements.   Jasper and Olly (from the Shandon) are also doing some guestvocals and the result is astonishing.   The mastering of the new album ‘deerfoot trail’ was done at the famous Blasting Room Studio (usa) by Bill Stevenson (Descendents, All…) in september of this year and now Five days off is ready to take the punkrockscene by storm once again !


Please tell me about every member in the band, age, family, interests, bands before and something bad about every one?

-Five Days oFF is:

-Gukke: He’s 30, married, born during a tough winterstorm, likes snowboarding, surfing, Mtbike, sjc drums,… and, his farts come straight from hell!

-Mettes: He’s also 30, married with children (Kjell and Tibo), likes to have more time, writes folk songs in dutch, likes to drink beer, produces 95 dB while snoring,… word on the street is that his ancestors were vikings.

-Björn: He’s 27, has a girlfriend who is pregnant, works at a bookings-agency (Undeclinable, IagainstI, Heideroosjes, Travlotas) likes to organize all the 5DO stuff, spent time with his girlfriend and do some occasional cafésports. Bjorn is very superstitious witch isnt bad, he only becomes smelly while touring: he wears every gig the same t-shirt. And loves music !!!

Kim: I’m 28, in love with Barbara, have too many interests and oh well, I’m all good J a gear-freak, likes to tastes the local food and drinks. Loves Orange-amps

Gukke and Mettes started with the Oi punkband ‘Miff’, Björn and I played in a grungy band named ‘Disorderlies’ later we formed the rap-hardcore band Blundt and whem we were 17 or so we formed Five days Off.


Five Days oFF, where did the name came from?

-The name Five days oFF goes back to our schooldays. We didn’t like the 5 days school – 2 days weekend pattern so we figured if we had 5 days off, we had a 7 day weekend. At 28 I must say I still like the idea!



I have described you as a band with influences from Millencollin, No Fun At All, Bad Religion? What do you think about that?

-It’s an honour being compared to bands like that. We’re all fans of the mid-late 90ies punkrock so it kind of makes sense. Altough Bad Religion etc are much better bands than us.


Which bands are you being compared top the most?

-NUFAN, Useless Id, Millencolin, Satanic Surfers, Adhesive, Strung out,…


Do you care about reviews?

-Absolutely, We make a sport out of it finding as much reviews as possible. Positive or negative. It’s always fun to know what people think of our music.


Which is the most peculiar review you ever have got?

-A dutch guy recently said Ron Jeremy would be jealous at ‘the set of balls’ we have. Yeah!


I have Deerfoot trail, have you done anything more and how can I get it if you have?

-Yes, Deerfoot trail is our 3rd full album. We also have 2 split cd’s. One with Not That Sraight an one with Flatcat. They all can be ordered through our website except for coast to coast (2nd album) witch is sold out. We also appear on several compilations.


Please tell me a little what is typical Belgian, I was there once and I remember those fruitcakes, is that typical Belgian?

-Typical belgian products are chocolats, waffels and beer. You can drink every day of the year a different beer if you want and, they are cheap compared to Sweden. As for the people: Belgians tend to be reserved or introvert in their first contact but once you get to know them they are sincerely warm and friendly, especially after a few beers hahaha


What do you prefer vinyl or CD? And why do you prefer the thing you do?

-I prefer a cd because I can play them in my car – the place where I listen music the most. Vinyl is more like a collectors item, I’m just a listener.


How is to play punk in Belgium, I thought it was more of a


-Belgium is one of the best countries to play I think. Many shows are organized, hardcore And punk. Compared to other countries we are really spoiled here: short travel distances, food, drinks at shows,… We also have some really cool festivals (Groezrock) and there is little jealousy between bands so to me it’s the best scene I can imagine.


What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

-I guess 5DO becomes more and more a lifestyle… We rehearsal every week, play almost every week and if we don’t we hang out with each other. Most people call our music punkrock and I like that. But, in the end punk is just a word. Its not how you call it, its how you play it!


What do you know about Sweden?

-Beautiful nature! I imagine it as a quiet, cold and very big country with warm people in cosy wooden houses. You guys all have a sauna and a Volvo. There are a lot of lakes and in the north you can see the northern light. I really want to go on vacation there once I have the time.


Have you heard any good swedish bands worth to mention?

-ABSOLUTELY! Once there was a time that every punkrock band came from Sweden. What happened there? Now you only have Venerea, Millencollin, Satanic surfers, Misconduct, Randy, the hives and a few others


Do you do any covers when you play?

-Yes: Young till I die from 7 seconds and Break Away from Tracey Ullman.


If you do covers, is it to tribute them or is it that you will show how you can do it better?

-7Seconds is more of a tribute, Break Away is more of a catchy song we like to do our way. It’s up to you to choose witch version you like most.


Please rank your five favorite records, five favorite concerts and

five most important things?

-Records: Bad Religion – suffer

                         The Living End – St

                         Beatles – Abbey Road

                         Jimi Hendrix – The ultimate Collection

                         Ten Foot Pole – Rev

   (ask tomorrow and it will be different!)

Concerts: Early Randy (the rest is silence) @ Lintfabriek

                           Mars Volta @ AB

                          The Nightporters @ Gevarenwinkelfest

                          Green Day @ Werchter

                          Mad Caddies @ Lintfabriek

‘things’: Parents (&family)


                          Five Days Off


                          Everything else doesn’t matter and can be replaced


First, last and most expensive record ever bought?

-1st: Guns ‘n Roses – Appetite for destruction (vinyl)

Last: WillyWilly & the voodoo band – helzapoppin’

Expensive: none


Most embarrasing record in your collection?

-Groetjes uit Holland (greetings from Holland) but I feel no shame…


The best record to have sex to?

-Music is not on my mind while having sex… ;) but, ever tried some classical composers? Wagner for example.


Where do you stand when we talk about mp3, good or bad?

-Good because it’s a chance to discover bands, bad because you steal money from the bands. My personal policy: I Buy records from local/smaller bands or bands who don’t earn their money with music but well, if I wanna hear the latest Madonna song or a record that sold 1000000 times, I download it. If I like it I’ll buy it anyway…


Do you have any favouritesite on the net to recommend?

- offcourse. Check the links on our site.


How is a concert with you, is it violent?

-No! I don’t like violence. Onstage we like to be as energetic as possible and it’s really great when that reflects on the audience. I like a happy atmosphere.


What is the most peculiar which have happened during a concert with


-Playing with those 3 other guys is always kind of special to me… really! One time the audience carried me on their hands while I was playing guitar. They did the same with Björn… very special feeling!


Do you have good contact with your fans? In which way?

-I think we do, internet makes it really easy to communicate with fans from other countries that’s cool and offcourse during live-shows we always have a chat with the people that likes our music!



Is there any good bands in your homecountry right now?

-Lots of them! The new sixtoys and Dearly Deported albums gonna be a blast! Flatcat, SFP and Severance are also superb. The Maple Room, Setup, Rovic, Homer,… too many bands to name actually…Belgium got a really good scene!


Which are the futureplans for the band?

-Playing as much as possible I guess. We’re also eager to write new songs. But first off all rock every town and festival harder then ever!!!


For yourself?

-Finding the best music to have sex on. Hahaha. Nah, as usual my goals are becoming a better performer/guitar player, surf a perfect wave, have as much fun as possible.



-Always wear clean underwear, don’t mix whiskey, wine and beer, warm up before you do sports and put your amp on standby before you turn the power on/off


Something to add?

-Check and listen to the mp3s. Leave some comments on our messageboard/guestbook. Thanks for the interview.