I got a record from Second Class Kids where
Björnarna were one part on a split record and I
got stucked with their music. Here's an
interview with the group who thinks it's boring
to be interviewed... Went well anyway! July-2018
A little story about the group?
-Björnarna were formed from the compsection in a
bad pop band around 2010. There was a glimpse
between the ropes with the singer and then we
started to play music that made us warmer inthe
heart. In 2017 Björn went on instead of
Henke for some gigs and we decided to
confess to others in a certain sense of
confusion to take hen in.
Tell us a little about each member, age, job,
family, band before and band on the side?
-Björn: Vocals Mikael: Guitar and voclas Henrik:
Guitar and Vocals Fredrik: Battery and Choir
Martin: Bass and Choir. All are born between 80
and 81 and have a mixed set of children and
animals. Mikael and Henrik are classmates since
the high school and began to hang out in the
same line of Martin in high school. Fredrik,
Martin and Björn are classmates since high
school so we know each other well.
I can hear a lot of old trallpunk and that kind
of music ... Was it better before?
-No, but the brain works that way, so that you
are so fond of memories.
Björnarna , are you satisfied with the name? You
were not afraid that other bands would be named
so? If the best band name had not been
taken,what would you have chosen? I mean which
is the best band name?
-No, it just happened to be so completely
without thought or intention. The worst thing
about our band is probably the name. In
addition, it's payless to google on it.
What's the best thing about playing live?
-To see strangers in the audience singing in the
songs. It proves that some actually appreciate
what we do.
Where is it best to play, where is worst?
-Katalin in Uppsala is probably the best so far.
There you will be treated well, get fixed times
and a well-stocked fridge in the lodge. Kings
table and some similar pubs are really bad.
Usually bad sound and no respect for the time
and energy you actually put on a gig.
How is it to play this kind of punk in Sweden
-Fun, we have no big visions or expectations. It
is a small but very devoted audience.
How would you describe your music in three words?
-Melodious, pretty fast.
What does punk mean to you, is it just a word or
is it a lifestyle?
-Punk in this form is not precisely a lifestyle,
it´s more a pleasant community.
How do you look at downloading, mp3 and the
-For our part, it's only positive. Availability
is enormously good compared with earlier years.
How do you think it's to live in Sweden today,
politically? I understand that SD is something
you don´t like because your song
Fantasifosterland is one of the best anti-SD
songs I've heard? Is it important to try to
influence people about their agenda so they do
not vote for SD?
-The development is scary and it is completely
unthinkable that so many people in our"
enlightened "time are so narrow-minded,
disgusting, greedy and nationalistic. Despite
the prosperity we actually live in, compared
both in time and space. Certainly, it is
important to try to influence people, but at the
same time one must realize that one preaches to
those already are saved.
Are there any good bands in Sweden today? In
yourhome town
-Yes, sure there are many bands, but music life
was even broader before, when the workers grip
on cultural life was stronger. Or we have just
become old and not hanging out where it happens.
Do you play anything outside Sweden?
-We have a cancelled gig on Åland in our
Other good bands from abroad?
-Laarhöne from Norway.
Your lyrics, what influences you? Never in a
language other than Swedish? Is it important to
have something to say when you get the chance in
this way?
-We are influenced by what we read, hear, think
and experience. In this genre, it does not feel
like singing in English is the right thing.
There are many local references and events as
well as a lot of irony that would be lost if we
tried in any other language.
Is there anything you will never write about?
Politics and music, do they always belong to
each other?
-No, but sometimes it's fun when it does.
Best political band/artist?
-Doktor Kosmos has smart lyrics
Do you think music can change someone's life,
then I mean lyrics etc?
-Thusious, but fun if it should happen.
Your cover is really good on your LP, who has
done it. Is it important to have a cover so you
understand what kind of music you play? What is
your favorite cover all the time?
-It's Pelle on Second Class Kids who made the
last cover. Do not know if it's so important.
Rövsvett's cover to "Den falske
kakaoinspektören" (The False Cocoa Inspector) is
very nice.
Is it important to get out physical discs? Vinyl
or CD or both? Is there any good record store in
your hometown? Second Class Kids are good or?
-Physical discs are very nice but maybe not
crucial. Good to have something to sell when you
usually play with economic loss. There is a nice
recordstore left in Uppsala called Open mind.
Second class kids are good, Pelle is man who
burns for music.
Please tell me something really fun that
happened during your career on stage or behind
stage etc?
-A gig at a club in a smaller Swedish city was
interrupted when the police arrived and the
organizers fled over the nearest field with the
cashier in their arms. Otherwise a very
successful gig with a long after party when the
police went home.
How is your audience look like? Which people
comes? Do you miss any kind of people?
-High promille and middle age, most of them
became saved in the early 1990s.
We miss everyone because they are welcome.
Please rank five favorite records, five favorite
-Yes, despite our little experience
-Ebba Grön, The Stooges, Räserbajs, Radioaktiva
Räker, Motörhead.
Is music a great way to get frustration and
become a nicier person? Are you angrier today
than you were when you were young punks?
-We are probably angrier now, as we understand
more now than we did as young. Text writing may
definitely have a great way to get rid of
What is the strangest question you received in
an interview?
-Next question.
Which is the question you never get, ask it and
answer it?
-It was difficult, we usually never get any
questions at all
Future plans for the band?
-Play punk and long for the retirement.
For yourself?
-Play punk and long for the retirement.
Words of wisdom?
-Be nice to each other and drink calmly.
-No thank you. |