B.C. Bombs is a very good spanish band which I was in excersise the first time I heard them and they were so good to train to so I was forced to interview them.



Please tell me a little bit history of the group?

-Basque Country Bombs are formed in April 2009 in Bilbao. Bizkaia
Given the experience of components, with only three months formed in late July they record what will be his first work "09 old school" which consists of 7 own songs plus 2 adaptations and a version of the Argentine Group “2 Minutos”, recorded and mixed in the studio room Strumer (Aretxabaleta).
In July 2011 recording in Orduna ''Let 's go Bombs !!!'' by Jabi Palacios are 11 songs + 1 bonus track with a thunderous sound and full of true punk rock, edit Erronka Records label.

“Forever Bombs” is our 3* work, and it was recorded between February and March of 2013 and has enjoyed the supervision of technical Sabin Kareaga, who has worked with groups like MCD, Koma , EUKZ, tierra Santa, among others .. recorded and mixed with the mobile studio SKT Sound System in room facilities "Bilbo Rock" in Bilbao and mastered in studies of Astrabudua SKT Sound System , Bizkaia .
Collaborate in some previous bearish choirs Iñaki ''Piña'' . The graphic design was done by Ana Alonso.
In December 2014 we entered the Silver Sound Studios in Bilbao to record the fourth album called "Bombs City Rockers" recorded and mixed by technical Néstor Varela and Martin Guevara. 11 songs of pure rock and roll.

Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Have you been in any other bands before?

-The current line up is:
Iñaki Sixx , voice and guitar (Takikardia oi !, skulls and Combat Suspenders)
Rober Gurt , drum (Spansul 15DX , Akatz , Cyprinidians , Die For This , Potato)
Pepe A.G. Boy, bass and vocals (El Paso Killers, Kobalto , Cascarria , Komadreja)
Bio-Thunder , guitar and vocals (Rooster Beat).

Iñaki Sixx , 35, is courier biker , married, sportsman and beer drinker .
Rober Gurt , 40years , electrician at the moment, with bride and heavy smoker .
Pepe AG Boy, 46, married with two children and a good Argentine soccer fan and expert cook roasts .
Ander Bio- Thunder , 22 years old , female psychologist , professor of guitar and liquor drinker 43 and other rare mixes.
We all come from the bands mentioned above.
Nothing wrong which is important.

I can hear old punk from the past, I can hear the old Group Eaters basstunes? Am I right? Favorites from the past?

-You're right , but not only refences from Punk you can find because we´re open ourselves to all kinds of Rock And Roll , I could quote Ramones, Motley Crue , NoFx , Led Zeppelin, Ac / Dc and bands here as Eskorbuto , MCD , Cicatriz, and a long list ...

B.C. Bombs are you satisfied with the name? Any deeper meaning?? How did it came up? Which is the best bandname you know?

-It means , Basque Country Bombs , we like that refers to the country where we live, reflects the sound of the band and has good hook . I really like the name Sex Pistols to say some .

What´s the best thing with playing live?

-The adrenaline , the satisfaction on the faces of the people , being protagonist for an hour , power show your work after many hours of testing and many illusions on.

And where is best to play? And the worst place?

-Any place where you will see and there people appreciate your music as good. Bad places ? The biker rallies, only know carburetor and spark plugs, the Rock for most of them is pure pose.

How is to play this sort of music in Spain right now?

-Fun , but still censorship according to cities and depends on who governs in those cities, but usually there is a place to play Rock in 90% of the Spanish state.
In Euskal Herria where we live there it is a long tradition of Punk and now the wildest Rock is strong .

How would you describe your music in three words?


What does punk mean to you, is it only a word or is it a lifestyle?

-No we like to label too , we do not consider ourselves punks although we have punk influences , each coming from  different scenes , I think punk is something that you get without trying , the way you're going marking takes you or away from it.


Hur ser du på nedladdning, mp3 och sånt?

-På vår Bandcamp, http://bcbombs.bandcamp.com/ här hittar du våra fyra album, 3 av dem finns i lager.


Hur är det att bo i Spanien nu? Politiskt?

-Politiskt suger Spanien  vi är ett band av arbetare i arbetarklassen och går inte hand i hand med något politiskt parti. Rock för motherfuckers, bara det.

Finns det några bra band från Spanien nu? Är punkscenen stor? Hur är det i din hemstad?

-Här i Bilbao växer scenen  mycket, band som Rat- zinger , Porco Bravo, Radiocrimen , Undécimo Mandamiento , Penadas Por La Ley, och ett lång etcetera är mycket starka och det finns goda dynamiska album och turnéer.

I resten av Spanien finns det många band i punk och rock och en stor scen.


Vad vet du om Sverige?

-Que Mycket kallt lol ... Jag älskar er musikscen och jag älskar ljudet på produktionen.


Har du hört några bra band från Sverige?

-Backyard Babies och The Bones är min favoriter över resten, synd om resten, men jag gillar dessa två fantastiska band, jag älskar också Hardcore Superstar.


Era texter, vem gör dem och vad påverkar er? Aldrig på engelska?

-Iñaki Sixx påverkas av stämningar i ögonblicket, livfulla berättelser och andra som du skulle vilja leva, vi skrev mycket om nattliga historier och ibland om filmer som '' Ciudad av Dios '', '' Blood in Blood Out '' som exempel.

Det finns en på engelska, men inte mer än en bokstav som är en dold förolämpning för många mode pojkar och disco flickor.


How do you see on downloading, mp3 and that stuff?

-In our Bandcamp , http://bcbombs.bandcamp.com/ here you will find our 4 albums , 3 of them in stock.

How is it to live in Spain now? Politically?

-Politically Spain sucks, we are a band of workers of the working class and not go hand in hand with any political party . Rock for Motherfuckers, just that.

Is there any good bands from Spain now? Is the punkscene big? How is it in your hometown?
-Here in Bilbao the scene is growing much , bands like Rat- zinger , Porco Bravo, Radiocrimen , Undécimo Mandamiento , Penadas Por La Ley, and a long etcetera are very strong and there is good dynamics of albums and tours .
In the rest of Spain there are many bands in Punk and Rock and a great scene.

What do you know about Sweden?

-Que very cold lol  ... I love your music scene and I love the sound production.

Have you heard any good bands from Sweden?

-Backyard Babies and The Bones are my favorite above the rest , sorry for the rest but I like these two amazing bands , I also love Hardcore Superstar.

Your lyrics, who does them and what influences you? Never in English?

-Iñaki Sixx influence the moods of the moment, vivid stories and others that you would like to live , we wrote a lot about nocturnal stories and sometimes on movies like ''Ciudad of Dios'' , '' Blood in Blood Out'' to put an example .
There is one in English , but not more than one letter is a covert insult for many fashion boys and disco girls.

kivor och det är inte förlorat och är ett bra anslag till bandet.

Is there any subject that you never will write anything about?

-You never know who will come tomorrow , I never shut me out of anything.

Politic and music, does it goes hand in hand?


-It can go hand in hand , but not what you like best , everything in life is politics.

Best political band/artist?

-Kortatu because they are here .

Do you think that music(lyrics and so on) can change anyones life, I mean people who listens to music?

-That would be an honor and if ever we did that we would be proud .

Your cover on your CD looks really nice, is it important to have a record cover which shows people which type of music you play? Your favorite recordcover?

-Thank you, I think a good cover is important when others discover that you and so discover your music , I love the cover of Never Mind the bollock's


Is it important to get out physical records of your stuff? Why or why not?
-It's important , it's good tradition of buying records and it is not lost and is a good cover to the band.

Please tell me a funny thing which have happened during your career and under some gig?

-We've been skipping review the van throughout the tour ''FOREVER BOMBS 2014'' , we have lost and regained merchandising a thousand times and has fallen enough people above us , and guitarist Ander on one occasion lost a tooth with a stroke of the microphone.

How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts?
-Rockers in general, throughout its wide field not we miss anyone in particular , just in case the younger people, some generational change would be nice .

Please rank your five favoriterecords, five favoriteconcerts and five most important things in life?

Is it boring with interviews? IS it much interviews?

-We are to answer anything you ask us , we have no problems to speak about everything that we been asked.

If you could choose five bands from the past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosed?


Is music a good way to get out frustration and become a nice person outside the music?

-He that is a bad person is it inside and outside of music ..

Which is the most odd question you ever have got in an interview?

-I would not know ... I'm acostrumbrado to hear all hahaha nothing scares us at this point .

Which is the question you want to have but you never get. Please ask it and answer it?

-Want 6000 euros to record an album ? Yes !!! ;P

Futureplans for the band?

-Start BOMBS CITY ROCKERS tour and reach all corners if it´s possible ... that's a good start.

For yourself?

-Try to educate my Bullterrier ... difficult task haha , be happy with what I do .



Something to add?

-Thank you very much for open borders to our music and you never get tired of asking things here always find a BC BOMBS to answer all hope  that one day we can see each other  live , I 'm sure you going to have a great ... meanwhile cheers to you friend !!!