Interview with Gary from the old 80īs punkgroup Attak. They did many good songs in real good punkstyle and here have Gary answered a lot of questions really short in august 2004.
Please tell me a little about the start of the group, why,when and who? -Attak where originally a 4 piece punk/oi band that was formed in the 1980's, their line up was... Saleem Rauf - Vocals Gary Basnett - Guitar Sean "Chad" Chadwick - Bass Lindsay Mclennan - Drums Saleem left before any record releases and Gary soon took over the role of singer and the band took a new direction and carried on as a threesome releasing two singles "Today's Generation" and "Murder In The Subway" with both of them doing well in the independent charts. Michael "Woody" Woodacre from Blackburn joined just before they did 'Zombies'.
What does the members do today? Any music? If any of the members do that, is it possible with some promo from there? -Saleem Rauf - Rave and dance event promoter. Has 5 children. Gary Basnett - Used to be an HGV (lorry) driver but now retired through ill health and spends most of his time on his computer building web sites. Married to Lindsay and has 4 children. Did a short spell with Blitz and recorded the album 'Killing Dream'. Sean "Chad" Chadwick - HGV (lorry) driver living in Angelsey, Wales. Has a Steady girlfriend and 1 child. Lindsay Mclennan - Married to Gary and has 4 children. Michael "Woody" Woodacre - Have not seen or spoken to Woody since the band split. He apparently did the rounds for a few years with a band called "Three Men Gone Mad" featuring Woody on guitar, Woody moved to Blackpool with Ally his girlfriend and was working on the bins for a while. He could still be living in Blackpool, Lancs.
What do you listen to today, any punk rock? -Myself and Lindsay both like the same music and listen to all sorts these days from the Beatles to Green Day. We particular like The Prodigy, Bowling For Soup, Kean and Ramones. We still listen to The Sex Pistols, Damned, GBH, Sham 69 and most other punk.
How would you describe your music in three words? -Oi/Punk/metal I felt that Our music was always a true Oi/Punk and metal crossover.
You did only two singles and one LP or? -Attak only released 2 singles, 1 album and appeared on a few compilation albums.
Havenīt you recorded anything more than this stuff that I can lay my hands on? -There is not much about but I came across some tracks last week and I am considering releasing them soon.
You were on No Future, was it good? -No Future where great and we had a good 50/50 deal with them. They promoted the catalogue very well.
Have you seen Ian Glaspers book about English punk 80-84, what do you think about it? -No I have not seen this book. On request I refused to answer any of his questions because I thought that it was too commercial.
How is the interest on the group today? -There is quite a bit of interest coming from the Attak web site and I receive lots of emails.
Any thoughts of play some gigs together again? Reforming as many other bands? -NO! We are all much too old to be arsed to reform!
You did some classic tracks, which is your own favourite among your songs? -They where all our favourites. If we didn't think so at the time we would not have bothered doing them in the first place.
Did you do any covers? -Only 1 (Wild Thing) which was on the album.
Is it pathetique that punkbands still is playing and that it comes new ones all the time? -No it is not. Punk will be around for ever because original punks now have kids of their own now and should be teaching them the same values and ideas that we add then and now.
What does punk mean to you, today and back then, only a word, or a lifestyle or what? -Punk still means to me now as it did back then. Kids still get a rough deal from the police, the government is a joke and they have fuck all to do with their lives.
Can music change anyones life, please give me an example? -Music itself does not change lives but the attitude of bands does.
How was a good concert with Attak? -Loud and sweaty probably.
Why Attak in the wrong spelling? -We got the name from the Blitz EP All Out Attack and decided that it looked better spelt Attak.
You named your LP Zombies, why, it wasn'tīt so usual with that type of covers in the punkscene it was more metalbands which did those things? -We all used to like the zombie films that were out at the time i.e.. Zombie Flesh Eaters, Dawn Of The Dead and Night Of The Living Dead so we wanted a zombie theme. We also had some influence from the Iron Maiden covers at the time.
Is there any good bands in England right now? -I don't know!
Please rank your five favouriterecords, five favouriteconcerts and five most important things in life? -Favourite records... 1. Any Sex Pistols. 2. Any Ramones. 3. Any green Day. 4. The Buzzcocks - Another Music In A Different Kitchen. 5. I really am finding it difficult to pick from the thousands of records that I own or bands have listened to over the years! Favourite Concerts... See above. The 5 most important things in my life are my wife, children, family, friends and my computer.
First, last and most expensive record ever bought? -The first record that I bought was The Buzzcocks - Another Music In A Different Kitchen. The last was Sum 41 - Does This Look Infected. Never paid more than the RRP for a record.
Most embarrassing record in your collection? -Why should I be embarrassed about anything that I own or do?
Was it good or was it bad to have a girl in the group? Any advantages? -It was good because I fell madly in love with her and we are now married with 4 children all boys.
When the terroristattackwas some years ago, how did you react, with anger fear or what? -I refuse to answer such a political question as this one.
Can it happen again? if it do, where do you think? Is people in England afraid? -Once again I refuse to answer such a political question like this one. But I would like to say FUCK Em' all.
How about Tony Blair how do you like him if you compare with Thatcher who was Prime Minister when you were around? -Blair, Thatcher, Bush and any other politician are all the same arseholes.
What was the most fun which happened during your gigs with Attak? -Getting drunk and having a fuckin good time playing the music we enjoyed.
How many gigs did you do? -Less than half a dozen.
Futureplans for yourself? -I do not really like making future plans has they have a tendency to turn round and bite you in the arse.
Wisdomword? -Never trust a politician or copper.
Something to add -PHEW! What an interview. Hope that your web site goes well and these answers are OK. Keep it alive and real in what ever you do.